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From reading the paper work it seemed that anybody who used water that wasn't sent as waste directly down the drains / pipes was entitled to apply for none payment. They mentioned water to fill swimming pools and water used for gardening as some examples. It seemed, from what I read, that as long as you disperse the water anywhere other than their drains you were entitled to the application. I don't know if this differs from area to area or whether this is government set.
When I spoke to them they said as the water I use will go back to their drains it was still chargeable.
This is on their website.
The surface water drainage charge covers the cost of taking away and treating surface water that runs from properties into our drains. This includes rainwater that flows through gutters or which runs into the road and ends up in sewers or water that drains to the public sewer from such activities as car washing.
They only give a 5% discount if you were able to convince them. I argued that the property I was working on had already paid that charge, so I shouldn't have to....