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This forum is so much Nicer than clean it up!


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Group hug eh?


ha feeling the love peeps, i had the same experience with CIU. Thats why i set this forum up, i thought i am sure there are people out there who just want to connect and share tips, ideas and experiences with out having a competition of who knows best and making new comers feel unwelcome.

Needless to say i am banned from CIU now lol No great loss to me!

I'm a member of ciu , never posted on it , I was sick of hearing about how much there make in a day ,,,,,,
Jealous really /emoticons/wink.png ;)
I go on CIU as I need my addiction. Nice family atmosphere on here. Too many windy making silly money on CUI. I make a part time wage, but building it up every month. Don't think ill ever make the silly money quoted, or end up an arrogant BEEP like on CUI.

Always go on forums to give and receive friendly help and advice;)

OMG this thread...you sould like a bunch of old women!!!!

Come on boys man up. I don't come on here to feel the love haha.

OMG this thread...you sound like a bunch of old women!!!!

Come on boys man up. I don't come on here to feel the love haha.

I know that this is an old thread , but i was a member up until last year although i would only view posts very occasionally, but i can confirm CIU has not changed one iota, it is still as crazy as ever. 

This site is a breath of fresh air compared to CIU, a lot of common sense and down to earth members on here. 
