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todays new job


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Thats nice of her, its always good when someone recomends you like that /emoticons/smile.png

I had one last night i quoted a tenner

Someone else posted that they pay £9.50 so the woman messaged her and blanked me

One of my customers saw this and said this

For an extra 50p mr squeeqee all the way..

Had mine done today, always reliable..xx

Then 2 other customers recommended me also on that post

She still never got back to me but tbh i don't want a customer that will drop me in a couple months time to save a quid

Nice to see my customers bigging me up on facebook though

Yeah, u want customers who will always be there for you and not mess u about.

I havnt done any advertising like this online, never got a customer through facebook. I think its because i like to pick and choose the roads i work on, fussy :rolleyes:

Who the hell worries about 50p?! Surely a tenners easier lol

Crazy woman. And crazy windie charging a wierd amount! Still you get shed loads of work coming to you on a plate so easy for you to move on to the next one!

It's not on a plate bumpy

I've worked bleedin hard to find the good areas and roads

We don't tend to post about the :turd: days we've had

Bit when you find a good spot make the most of it

ha cheapy cracked those behind the bars now...

he had one job he hated all little squares could only get hand through one section at a time..all full of spiders....and...

under lime trees..so...time to play with his new toy..

30 metres of 8mm on a reel....like a real window cleaner at last...

so switched on the backpack legged it up the ladders and soaped up the squares and pured em off with his pipe in hand...

worked a treat....

not so sure about the mole grips though to keep the flow on or off...

still its a work in progress...now I can dump all the barrels and backpack and go walkabout...

okay I still freaked out when it jammed under the wall in the mortar joint....

and of course...the feckin plastic handle snapped off...well the reel only cost me £!3 so cant really grumble...

now has an uprated handle....wonder how long that will last:whistle:

Just did the top left one here and got the rest to do nowThis wfp has definitely opened a few doors for me

This is from the woman i had to turn down the 6 floor block for yesterday

View attachment 7712
All those windows and you only did the top left one....what type of business you running daveyboy1 I would of at least cleaned 2 windows. ....
