got a call to day frm a guy in a flat he said my windy isent coming any more as he is looking after his mum!!! can u come down an give us a quote for the hole bilding 6 flats not the pent house tho i turned up he showed me around i quoted £10 for his 3rd story 22ft pole would just reach £8 fornext flore down an £6 ground flore 7 windows each wich i thault was very reasenable he said o the last guy charged us £5
i mean come on wtf's going on here a guy called pure clean is so cheep it makes me an other cleaners look like cuxxxnts
he said ill think about it rang my m8 to tell him as he wrks in that area he said he used to clean that block but they cancled him for someone eals wander y £5 no chance