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Viakal magic


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I have a house that has a big rose bush in front of the window. Once a year they cut it down & I can clean the window. Got there today & it's been cut down. So I spray it with viakal & let it soak in while I do upstairs Windows. Come down & without thinking soak the bottoms with my applicator then realising it a now be covered in viakal. Anyway window came up fine so thought shall I rinse applicator out or carry on. Carried on & what a difference with a bit of viakal on it. Squeegee felt like it was on ice. Glided lovely & was brilliant with the liquidator. Have I discovered a new mix. Gonna try it again tomorrow to see what happens.

Very interested to hear the results. My only concern - having just risk assessed the bloody stuff for the school I work at - would be that it would destroy your squeegee rubbers quicker than usual and maybe window seals? It's very acidic (2.2pH I recall) so your skin would feel a bit soft after use. Do you use it much? I thought it was expensive. I've never used any chemical to be honest and have been looking into the Virosol and Ubik offerings recently.

Nah I don't use it much. Just for windows that have lime scale on them or like I said that stuff off rose bushes. Never really thought what it could do to a squeegee rubber. £2 a bottle from tesco.

Virosol is citrus based which means it's powerfull but enviro friendly

Ubik is foodsafe but i don't know what impact it would have on the environment

I've thought about a similar thing on facias in the past to be honest but fear the unexpected - I just know it's quite a harsh cleaner. It is certainly good at what it's made for that's for sure. Keep us updated, I like a good experiment!!!

Virosol is citrus based which means it's powerfull but enviro friendlyUbik is foodsafe but i don't know what impact it would have on the environment
So when do you use virosol rather than Ubik or is it just personal preference

They both work the same but i can get virosol a lot cheaper off amazon

Also ubik seems to ruin my hands
