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Water tank fitted cost on insurance.


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Well-known member
tongham, Farnham
Just got my insurance for the next year,  in bold print they put this.   (it is a condition of this policy that the vehicle has no water tank fitted)

Has any one had this on their insurance. I think insurance Companys have had a few claims and accidents with tanks onboard.

Can any one recommend a good insurancers.  I have two vans  what do you guys think or recommend.

Thanks Carl   (smearclear windows cleaners)

Just got my insurance for the next year,  in bold print they put this.   (it is a condition of this policy that the vehicle has no water tank fitted)

Has any one had this on their insurance. I think insurance Companys have had a few claims and accidents with tanks onboard.

Can any one recommend a good insurancers.  I have two vans  what do you guys think or recommend.

Thanks Carl   (smearclear windows cleaners)
I've always used Alexander Swan and they will insure supplier installations aswell as DIY systems 

Give them a call speak to Jade or Sharon 

Just got my insurance for the next year,  in bold print they put this.   (it is a condition of this policy that the vehicle has no water tank fitted)

Has any one had this on their insurance. I think insurance Companys have had a few claims and accidents with tanks onboard.

Can any one recommend a good insurancers.  I have two vans  what do you guys think or recommend.

Thanks Carl   (smearclear windows cleaners)
I was with the same company for a few years and they suddenly stopped insuring if you had a tank fitted

I now use Aviva who have no problem with it 

I'd be guessing it's the idiots with strapped in tanks that have raised an issue, I am with Admiral and pay around £300 a year it's in black and white on the policy that I have a tank fitted, I tried Alexander Swan the prices were £100's more than I was paying think it was over £600 a few years ago Aviva wanted about £1,200 ? 

You have to be very careful for sure. That's why I go through A Plan they have a branch that your local one will put you through to and they specialise in window cleaning and have a panel of insurers which cover Van's with tanks. The main ones they have put me with over the years are LV, Aviva and Ageas

Just got my insurance for the next year,  in bold print they put this.   (it is a condition of this policy that the vehicle has no water tank fitted)

Has any one had this on their insurance. I think insurance Companys have had a few claims and accidents with tanks onboard.

Can any one recommend a good insurancers.  I have two vans  what do you guys think or recommend.

Thanks Carl   (smearclear windows cleaners)
Try Alexander swan they specialise in window cleaning vehicle insurance, I have all my vans insured with them , not the cheapest out there but good cover 

I'd be guessing it's the idiots with strapped in tanks that have raised an issue, I am with Admiral and pay around £300 a year it's in black and white on the policy that I have a tank fitted, I tried Alexander Swan the prices were £100's more than I was paying think it was over £600 a few years ago Aviva wanted about £1,200 ? 
I'm with Admiral and have just renewed. It's gone down from £292 to £247. That's with the Mrs on it and she had a prang in October. Nowhere on my policy does it mention a fitted tank. They ask if you carry hazardous materials, which I don't. I don't understand why so many people are being asked about water tanks from their insurer. I have never been asked.

Are people carrying gas cylinders declaring they're carrying a hazard?

I'm with Admiral and have just renewed. It's gone down from £292 to £247. That's with the Mrs on it and she had a prang in October. Nowhere on my policy does it mention a fitted tank. They ask if you carry hazardous materials, which I don't. I don't understand why so many people are being asked about water tanks from their insurer. I have never been asked.

Are people carrying gas cylinders declaring they're carrying a hazard?
So essentially you’re not insured then?

I'm with Admiral and have just renewed. It's gone down from £292 to £247. That's with the Mrs on it and she had a prang in October. Nowhere on my policy does it mention a fitted tank. They ask if you carry hazardous materials, which I don't. I don't understand why so many people are being asked about water tanks from their insurer. I have never been asked.

Are people carrying gas cylinders declaring they're carrying a hazard?
Are you actually telling the insurer you're a window cleaner and not just a man with a van? Anyone carrying gas, diesel heaters do inform the insurance company because you won't be insured if you are involved in an accident or you cause one 

Are you actually telling the insurer you're a window cleaner and not just a man with a van? Anyone carrying gas, diesel heaters do inform the insurance company because you won't be insured if you are involved in an accident or you cause one 
That’s why I put my comment above.

Every insurance company ask if there are any modifications to the vehicle. Having a tank bolted through the floor full of water is exactly that 

I'm with Admiral and have just renewed. It's gone down from £292 to £247. That's with the Mrs on it and she had a prang in October. Nowhere on my policy does it mention a fitted tank. They ask if you carry hazardous materials, which I don't. I don't understand why so many people are being asked about water tanks from their insurer. I have never been asked.

Are people carrying gas cylinders declaring they're carrying a hazard?
Most insurance companies are starting to get wise to some of the bodgers  having unsuitable unbaffled water tanks in vans and the issues that are involved when they have an accident ,many companies have not paid out claims due to this and in a couple of cases that have npbeen in the press the van owners have been prosecuted for driving a vehicle with an  insecure load  , VOSA are checking window cleaning vans now in their road side checks . 

I'm with Admiral and have just renewed. It's gone down from £292 to £247. That's with the Mrs on it and she had a prang in October. Nowhere on my policy does it mention a fitted tank. They ask if you carry hazardous materials, which I don't. I don't understand why so many people are being asked about water tanks from their insurer. I have never been asked.

Are people carrying gas cylinders declaring they're carrying a hazard?
Wow! When you think you have heard it all! Not only are you driving around with effectively no insurance so you or anyone you hit would be completely screwed you are also committing insurance fraud especially if your tank is bolted in. Because as Steve says that's a modification  a massive modification and you have not declared it so fraudulently taken out insurance. To cap it all off you've just admitted it on a public forum. 

Quick @Tuffers, phone Grippa ?
Grippa are great for equipment but good luck trying to get them to payout an insurance claim on your uninsured van  ?? on a serious note though I cannot understand the mindset of him driving around uninsured. I've known of people involved in accidents where a party has a personal injury and not only the cost of all the replacement vehicles which was 10s of thousands but insurance had to cover all medical Bill's, physio bills and loss of earning bills for the injured party. He would have to clean alot of windows to pay for that bill. Or just declare it legally to insurance and pay another couple of hundred at most across a years policy!!

Grippa are great for equipment but good luck trying to get them to payout an insurance claim on your uninsured van  ?? on a serious note though I cannot understand the mindset of him driving around uninsured. I've known of people involved in accidents where a party has a personal injury and not only the cost of all the replacement vehicles which was 10s of thousands but insurance had to cover all medical Bill's, physio bills and loss of earning bills for the injured party. He would have to clean alot of windows to pay for that bill. Or just declare it legally to insurance and pay another couple of hundred at most across a years policy!!
Sounds like a basic van policy to me as water fed pole window cleaning appears on nearly all insurance documents I've owned and seen 

Sounds like a basic van policy to me as water fed pole window cleaning appears on nearly all insurance documents I've owned and seen 
And if it doesnt appear on the policy it will be the reason they would never payout in the event of an accident. They will find any tiny discrepancy to wiggle out of a payout. In this case they will have a great big whopping reason handed to them on a plate ?

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And if it doesnt appear on the policy it will be the reason they would never payout in the event of an accident. They will find any tiny discrepancy to wiggle out of a payout. In this case they will have a great big whopping reason handed to them on a plate ?
An then that cost gets passed down to us upon our renewals 

Its a bit crazy then if a builder can take a pallet of bricks in his van, I cant see how that is any less dangerous than a tank of water, say both strapped down.


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