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What "passers by" comments wind you up the most??


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I get the "wash my car too" comments when working in town, usually reply yeah if you want it all scratched up bring it round.

yeh the ...its going to rain now is the most oft said one for me...even if its not going to rain...it is funny in a way cause...its going to rain tomorrow ....so should i have cleaned what i did today.?....

Think I've had all mentioned in this thread, depends on the person who is saying it and their general attitude as to how much it winds me up. Ones that particularly wind me up is ones that drive past, or come out of their house - no hello or anything and start bellowing "how much do you charge" sometimes from quite a distance and seems like they are just talking to the air, expecting you to come running to them.... I just ignore them until they approach me properly. Don't know what's wrong with people.

Other than enquiring how much etc the one I seem to always get is people interested in water fed pole, how it works, how much easier it is than ladders etc.

Got to be missed a bit that gets up my nose ,, one summer a few years back I parked up to get a drink from a newsagent and as I walked past a transit van they made the window washer squirt me in the face as they twisted it around , me not very amused returned to my van grabbed my bucket which was full and threw the hole bleeding lot straight in through the open window,, the 3 guys inside were bleeding soaked and I made a quick exit lol
As has been said - its your attitude to their comments.

I wonder if Mr Bit Window Cleaning in Derby was a reply to these comments. Whilst it does make me smile and a talking point amongst those in his local community, I don't think this name would give the professional image I would want people to have of my business.

We once had some visitors who live down in southern England pop in to visit us when they were passing through. They bought their lovely Scottish Terrier and as we are animals lovers had no problem in them bringing the dog inside. I must admit we were a little apprehensive when they told us her name was Puddles. (She was as good as gold by the way.)

We will get the old comment from passersby about not cleaning into the corners. I sometimes reply that its an art being a porthole cleaner.

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