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What Pole fits


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I have a Berlingo Van with load depth of 1.75 meters, is there a good quality telescopic pole that would fit nicely in the back of my Van available for purchase, or do I need to purchase a roof rack attachment for a longer pole to fit in?
I have a Berlingo Van with load depth of 1.75 meters, is there a good quality telescopic pole that would fit nicely in the back of my Van available for purchase, or do I need to purchase a roof rack attachment for a longer pole to fit in?
You won't get 30ft poles in unless you cut a letterbox size hole in your mesh or steel bulkhead
You can store poles diagonally aswell

All poles are stored within the vehicle and we use pole holders
Buy them or make your own
I have a Berlingo Van with load depth of 1.75 meters, is there a good quality telescopic pole that would fit nicely in the back of my Van available for purchase, or do I need to purchase a roof rack attachment for a longer pole to fit in?
Be careful as Citroen will list the max length and that's at floor level! Also pole lengths don't include goosenecks or brushes.

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