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Will Everyone Please Help Me ?


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will everyone please take 5 mins to try help me out as ive had a microchip blow on my pump controller , ive already removed the chip as it was melted and unreadable but ive circled in red were it was ,,,

now all i need is for some good samaritan to do is for you to open your controller and take a look if its the same as my circuit board inside as they do different circuit boards and tell me what was wrote on the chip so i can get a replacement ,, its a small black flat chip inbetween the two upright heatsinks as pictured any help would be great

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mine isnt like that sorry
no problem and thanks alotand it dosent have to have a blue sticker on front as all digital controllers are made by same company just restickered afterwards

Unless you know what you are doing and have the gear to do it I'd buy a new one .
It's a suspression chip bit like a resister it doesn't need programming ect I know what I'm doin and why buy a new one as the chips are £1/£2 to replace also I've spoke to streamline and that model is discontinued as its being upgraded to another circuit board ,,,

I don't want comments on what to do I just need help getting the writing off the back of the chip so I can replace it. Many thanks crystalview

Thanks to anyone that helped ive managed to find out what the resister chip was and replaced it for a nice £1.75 one . Saved myself £60 on a new one bargin ... (-:

Cool, were did u get it from?
Got the info for the chip off a dude selling same controller on flea bay nice chap took it apart and got me the info (-: then rang rsconponements and ordered meself 6 (min order) and hay presto works like new ..

Got the info for the chip off a dude selling same controller on flea bay nice chap took it apart and got me the info (-: then rang rsconponements and ordered meself 6 (min order) and hay presto works like new ..
That's really good, well done with your perseverance.