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Window cleaning and jehovah's witness.


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So it seems. Half of all wc's I've met have been Jehovah's Witnesses.

Wondering why?

I belong to the Richard Dawkins school of theology myself. Not sure it affects my window cleaning though.

I have know of a woman in our street a few yesrs back also died because she would not have a blood transfusion:confused:

Tell that to the kids they leave behind when they are old enough to understand why they grew up without having a mother.

I was working one Saturday and finished this house and knocked on the door, the guy answered and said he isn't paying as he is a johovo and don't believe in working saturdays , he had his tv on so I said you believe in the electric board working don't you now give me my 2.50 .

Think he had a bloody nerve after watching me clean them

With regards to blood transfusions they believe blood is holy and sacred and not to be tampered with. Amazing how the mind can be programed. Shame all humans cant drop their books and just celebrate life and each other without fear of what will happen if they don't abide by what they are programmed to believe.

Im One of Jehovahs Witnesses, allot of us clean windows as it is the perfect job in my opinion to be flexeble not just for familey life but to spend more time each month in our preaching work, the reason we do this is to help people to to understand the bible, and tell people about the good news of gods kingdom, heres a video that talks about how we are financed, why we do the preaching work and how we are stuctured.


lol indeed we do, i gess its backup incase somones got a shot gun, as ive heard of a few stories /emoticons/smile.png
And the complete crap you sad people spout I'd happily leave the shot gun upstairs be far more satisfying using my bear hands , hey but if jesus exists it would all be his work wouldn't it

17 years ago when my father passed away I had a pair knock on my door trying to spread the word of God , I was in no mood at all so I invited then in we sat down then I then ripped into them in such a way they were even questioning there own believes


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