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How many I you have one?

Thinking about doing one, not really sure where to start or what music you can and can't use etc

Feel free to show us yours /emoticons/smile.png


I don't personally as can't see the point myself.


May I add some that I've seen on the net are also very poorly done so doesn't really add value to the image that you want to portray.

You can use any music you like as long as you don't wish to have you have channel partnered, earn money from views. I think your advert/Vid would be best used on your own website rather then through youtube directly. As smurf said some are really shoddy and make the company look worse then it is. so make sure you do a cracking job.

Indeed,... so now who still wants to post their vid on here for an unbiased opinion?

I would not post it unless I was happy with it and definitely would post it on my site via my blog, but to do that I need to upload it to you tube lol

Oh ok cool, yer could so that instead then, just presumed you need to use you tube lol.

Would it not be better seo wise to use YouTube though??

I read lots of articles tht suggest this as one of the top 10 things you should do??

Maybe better to ask someone like goldoak directly on that one as he likes spamming sites like this....

To be fair it was not a good vid to post far as advertising guttervac gutter clearing service but ppl get the idea how it can be done without checking the gutters before & after to make sure they need doing if so are cleaned out properly.

Oh ok cool, yer could so that instead then, just presumed you need to use you tube lol.

Would it not be better seo wise to use YouTube though??

I read lots of articles tht suggest this as one of the top 10 things you should do??
videos can be hosted on your own server Dave, also looks far more professional. Put a copy on youtube though by all means.
You pay £22 a month to yell /emoticons/ohmy.png

cant really remember, i know it was on offer if i paid to be in the top 12 on yell, in total it was £22 a month

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