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Any other tin foil hat wearers?


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You've clearly latched onto the conspiracy theory that somehow covid deaths figures aren't accurate and are somehow over reported. The number of excess deaths in 2020 closely matched the number of official covid deaths so what else has caused those deaths if your assertion of at least 50% of them weren't covid is true? What other disease has surged within the last 12 months to cause those deaths? 

Contrary to your belief it takes more than covid being mentioned on a death certificate for a death to be classified as a covid death. The ONS distinguishes between deaths involving covid and deaths in which covid was an underlying cause. In most cases (90.2% in England) where covid was mentioned on the death certificate, it was found to be an underlying cause of death. 
Well let's start at the fact that the numbers dying from flu and pneumonia are substantially down on average. You do know an underlying cause of death can be assumed and not proven.

Well let's start at the fact that the numbers dying from flu and pneumonia are substantially down on average. You do know an underlying cause of death can be assumed and not proven.
The lower flu prevalence can be perfectly reasonably explained by the fact that it spreads the same way as covid and is far less contagious. Therefore the measures taken to suppress covid have had a huge effect on flu, combined with the unprecedented flu jab uptake. You aren't even understanding the basics so it's pointless taking this any further. Stay safe ?

Lol reading through this post I thought I was on a medical forum not a window cleaning one ??? I think several on hear  are in the wrong job they should be government advisers on how to deal with pandemics they  are waisted as window cleaners ????
I said that a little while back. 
Some on here seem to think they know answers to questions that the world’s best scientists cannot answer ?

Lol reading through this post I thought I was on a medical forum not a window cleaning one ??? I think several on hear  are in the wrong job they should be government advisers on how to deal with pandemics they  are waisted as window cleaners ????
Certain people on this thread buying into ridiculous conspiracies and ignoring what the actual experts are saying don't do the old thick as **** window cleaner stereotype any good. 

Lol reading through this post I thought I was on a medical forum not a window cleaning one ??? I think several on hear  are in the wrong job they should be government advisers on how to deal with pandemics they  are waisted as window cleaners ????
If my country needs me ??....aaaaaaaaand we’re dead ?

I said that a little while back. 
Some on here seem to think they know answers to questions that the world’s best scientists cannot answer ?
There's a big difference in giving out your own opinions as gospel and actually listening to what people with genuine expertise are saying. Nobody in their right mind can think the covid death statistics are wrong by up to 50% as has been said by a simpleton in a previous post. 

There's a big difference in giving out your own opinions as gospel and actually listening to what people with genuine expertise are saying. Nobody in their right mind can think the covid death statistics are wrong by up to 50% as has been said by a simpleton in a previous post. 
Keep things civil and act like a grown up, otherwise you'll get your wrists slapped. 

Keep things civil and act like a grown up, otherwise you'll get your wrists slapped. 
Apologies. However when something like this is affecting all of our lives in a such a huge way I think it's important deliberate disinformation is called out. If it's ******* down outside and someone wants to argue that its sunny you'd rightly call them out as a moron. 

Apologies. However when something like this is affecting all of our lives in a such a huge way I think it's important deliberate disinformation is called out. If it's ******* down outside and someone wants to argue that its sunny you'd rightly call them out as a moron. 
It's a very emotional and heated thing at times, but @Part Timer ain't the editor for The Chronicle so his view isn't going to be on the front page tomorrow, call it what you want but don't insult other members on here otherwise you'll get warnings 

Are you really a window cleaner as every reply you have made has been on covid and nothing else ?

It's a very emotional and heated thing at times, but @Part Timer ain't the editor for The Chronicle so his view isn't going to be on the front page tomorrow, call it what you want but don't insult other members on here otherwise you'll get warnings 

Are you really a window cleaner as every reply you have made has been on covid and nothing else ?
Yeah I'm a window cleaner, why else would I be on here? Just coincidence that I've only commented on those topics, I rarely see a need to comment on the mundane window cleaning discussions. 

Why haven't you commented on Part Timer threatening me with physical violence if I continue to "insult" him? 

Yeah I'm a window cleaner, why else would I be on here? Just coincidence that I've only commented on those topics, I rarely see a need to comment on the mundane window cleaning discussions. 

Why haven't you commented on Part Timer threatening me with physical violence if I continue to "insult" him? 
Calling someone a simpleton would be likely to entail a follow up visit to the dentist  anywhere I've ever lived. I'd be interested to hear what alternative reaction was expected? Totally unnecessary.


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