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2 inches deep in their window.


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Ive got this customer and you know how you get windows go when the seals gone? misted up inside and it doesnt go. Well, ive never seen this before but one of his the water has actually filled up to about 2 or 3 inches deep! He joked about keeping fish in it. Ive been doing those windows for a couple of years now, but I still cant see how water fed pole could do any worse than heavy rain would do. I dont use a high flow/high pressure method, certainly heavy rain would/has been much more flow etc. I guess im just looking for reassurance that this issue isnt my fault. Hes swapped into a different flat now, but I have heard these windows only usually gaurantee the seals on the glazing for 10 years. See it a lot where they are all misted inside.
The sealed units are now filled with Argon gas as it insulates better than the old vacuum. They also now use a plastic spacer between the glass as it insulates better than the old aluminium strips.
So the glazing unit is sealed then there are 2 seals between the frame and the glazing unit. These seals will let water past hence frames have drain holes - some in the gap between frame and sill others in the front that then have little covers over.
My guess is the rubber seals between the frame and unit have failed and are letting lots of water in the space and as the sealed unit has failed the water is going there.

One thing to note, depending on the temperature, any moisture in a failed sealed unit can appear to disappear - ie be warm enough to not be condensing. If our wfp water is cool enough it can change the temperature of the glass and allow the moisture that is already in the 'sealed unit' to condense making it look like 'we' have made the problem worse.

As far as I am aware pure water can't damage seals or sealed units - just remember rain is water with low tds!
@ks789 I had this with a customer earlier this year. The vacuum seal had gone at the top of the glazing unit. Any water - whether rain or wfp - that got in around the white frame leaked down inside the glass. If it had been sealed it would run around the channels of the frame and out the little trickle/drain holes at the lower part of the frame.
I have a customer and someone must of shot his window on the outside pane of the unit. He's got a hole, that fills up the unit with water. I just stay away from the top if the hole so I'm not adding more water to what's already in it..