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I am targeting 3 monthly and commercial work for the reasons above. The commercial is the small independent offices and carehomes, not the large chains. Residential prices in my area have always been on the cheap and cheerful side, and there is an abundance of window cleaners. Yes there are pockets of better business, but few and far between, and in my opinion overall, in my area, they won't get better. I am not saying this is countrywide and I'm not saying I'm correct, at the end of the day I am trying to build a successful business and this is my vision of the best way to do it. Each to their ownThe world of window cleaning in general is changing (for us anyway). We have good rounds but they aren’t really growing, if they are its quite slowly, and often a case of one replacing another that has been lost for one reason or another. In terms of new custom, a lot of people will only get them done once in a blue moon & not opt for regular service (which is fine if you’re charging accordingly)
The position we would all like to be in is....e.g. Mr brown phones you up “hiya, windows haven’t been done for a while now, can you clean them please” you have a look, give a price that you can make money on, he either agrees or disagrees, if he agrees, you clean the windows, then Mr Brown says “thank you, great job” and either opts for a regular service or just says “i’ll call you again sometime” either way you’re happy and not kicking yourself because at that particular moment, you know you have come away with a decent price.
Since the trad days of one windy doing every house on the street fortnightly or monthly, things are becoming more and more call out like and or work is far from compact. many companies claim wfp window cleaning will “keep your windows cleaner for longer” which is maybe why a lot of us run 6 weekly and why more and more customers are only getting them done as and when suits them.
Any specified journey (a visit not on a local round) i often ask for £40 or £50 to make it worth it on travel time and diesel. (i dont often get it as you’ve probably guessed but sometimes i do)
Your carpet cleaner will show up, take 45 mins or an hour maybe. £60. You’ll call them maybe 2-3 times a year i guess. If you asked for a monthly service from them i’m sure they’d still say “£60 please mate” the blokes equipment could be worth what...a grand-2grand say. Not all that different from a van mounted system. And once you know what you’re doing and have had some sort of basic training, its not all that skilled.
Same as taking your car for a valet at whoever you use. My car when i had it 2-3 years ago was £35 at a place on the corner of the street, if i took it again a month down the line I’m sure it still would be the same.
Why our industry is valued so low by so many, i dont know, but id like to see it turn around in the modern age.
These are just my thoughts of course & they’re not necessarily right, many people will say otherwise. Our businesses are our own. i’m just trying to adapt to what i sense to be a new era & Its not easy.
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