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3mm pencil jets


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Do many of you use the Gardiner 3 mm jets?
I had the standard jets but the seating on one broke and I found a set of 3mm in my spares box.
Very impressed, wetter surface and rinsing is a doddle and more effective.
It’s speeded my work up considerably, also better on high 3rd storey windows.
Used to use them but got through a load of water , we now use 2 mm as I found the 1:4 were like a pressure washer to much splash back and not enough volume of water 2 mm seams the best compromise for us .
Do many of you use the Gardiner 3 mm jets?
I had the standard jets but the seating on one broke and I found a set of 3mm in my spares box.
Very impressed, wetter surface and rinsing is a doddle and more effective.
It’s speeded my work up considerably, also better on high 3rd storey windows.
We use 4x1.4mm jets as otherwise we run out of water too quickly using 2mm, let alone 3mm