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8 story water fed pole cleaning!


Help Support WCF:

Im serious mate and exactly at £2500 for a one off is quite alot.We have never had to reach this height before this job is a one off, so we researched how much a pole would of cost us, which i found the same one you are on about so £2500 we quoted just under £4000 for the job and didn't want to pay that much for a pole we were only going to use once.

We stripped a few 65ft and 45ft poles down too see if we could extend one of the 65's to reach, we were in luck we added on another 7.5metres (24Feet) from other poles we wouldnt be using.

all in all we got away with spending £0 instead of £2500 without vat.
unfortunatly spent two weeks fluked with kneck injury and knackered arms,knackered just looking at it
