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Anyone have CCTV for their payload area?


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So I am the proud owner now of a Pure Freedom Reelmaster electric reel and have bolted it down in the back. Great. However due to my need to worry more than I have to and also because currently when working I have to have the rear doors open I want to have the back area monitored. I would like to have both day and night monitoring as at the moment the van is also parked on the road so to be able to catch any potential A holes breaking in at night. 

So I presume my best option would be a dash cam hard wired to the battery to allow night recording?

Just wondering if anyone else has their payload area monitored or any recommendations for decent dash cams that can be used or alternative options.


Waste of time... just make sure it's all properly insured. 
Yes tbh I know it is overkill. I just worry about these things and know it's not a prevention but may well help catch the b*stards if it did get whipped. All my poles and backpack etc come out each night but can't move the reel. Insurance is all intact. 

I don't like having it on display all day along either with doors open but not much I can do about that right now. 

If they want your hose reel they will steal your van and removed it at their leisure. If its bolted down it won't be an opportunist thief doing it.

They might steal a spare pole from out the back of the van whilst you are out the back, your float tin, mobile phone, etc., but nothing bolted down.

So I am the proud owner now of a Pure Freedom Reelmaster electric reel and have bolted it down in the back. Great. However due to my need to worry more than I have to and also because currently when working I have to have the rear doors open I want to have the back area monitored. I would like to have both day and night monitoring as at the moment the van is also parked on the road so to be able to catch any potential A holes breaking in at night. 

So I presume my best option would be a dash cam hard wired to the battery to allow night recording?

Just wondering if anyone else has their payload area monitored or any recommendations for decent dash cams that can be used or alternative options.

what about a motion sensor dash cam for £200 mounted in the rear
