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being watched on cctv


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johnny bravo

Well-known member
same thing happens every time i clean the back of a couples house. they have a cctv camera that you can pan & tilt. always moving in my direction when im going from one window to the next. Obvious to see when it moves around right in front of me.
I actually seen the fella moving it remotely while sitting in his arm chair in front of the window i was cleaning.
I just ignore it now . must be like a toy for him . you wonder if hes checking up on me or seeing how quick i clean them
same thing happens every time i clean the back of a couples house. they have a cctv camera that you can pan & tilt. always moving in my direction when im going from one window to the next. Obvious to see when it moves around right in front of me.
I actually seen the fella moving it remotely while sitting in his arm chair in front of the window i was cleaning.
I just ignore it now . must be like a toy for him . you wonder if hes checking up on me or seeing how quick i clean them
I've got a full ptz professional cctv system at home to watch over my van at night and also helps when expected parcels but I haven't the time to sit panning and tilting it watching everyone who's in it's line of sight.

I hope he's not watching minors
I have a customer who has cctv that is auto tracking, so it 'follows' me round. I guess they can control it remotely too. It was a bit spooky at first but I just ignore them now.

I always try and work on the basis I am being watched, there are so many houses with cctv, doorbell cams etc not to mention the curtain twitchers.
i have to oft remind my sidekick ,SHHH , stop talk about the funny booger that lives here case they are listening in . That reminds me in the block of flats i live in 2 floors above is a real oddbod he had a camera too. Last week he had a heart attack and fire brigade wanted to lift him out on a crane over his balcony but turns out my van was parked in the way,so they rang my bell to get it moved away [but bell didnt work ] and i slept right thru the difficult "extraction of Byron " over the balcony ,only learned about it this week.
I’ve got a custy with cctv and she’s very open about the fact that she watches it to see if I’ve actually cleaned her windows. She also marks the windows in random places with a dry wipe marker before I come in case I decide to skip some; she’ll know because the mark will still be there.

She insists on having them done traditionally because brushes upset her cat.

Some people are just a bit different I suppose.
I’ve got a custy with cctv and she’s very open about the fact that she watches it to see if I’ve actually cleaned her windows. She also marks the windows in random places with a dry wipe marker before I come in case I decide to skip some; she’ll know because the mark will still be there.

She insists on having them done traditionally because brushes upset her cat.

Some people are just a bit different I suppose.
This is the type of customer you want to avoid at all cost
This is the type of customer you want to avoid at all cost
Not at all! She pays almost immediately after I’ve sent the invoice every time. She never cancels for any reason and despite her windows being spotless (apart from the odd marker pen mark) she still wants them cleaned regular as clockwork.

If all my customers were like that I’d be very happy (apart from the insistence on traditional).
Not at all! She pays almost immediately after I’ve sent the invoice every time. She never cancels for any reason and despite her windows being spotless (apart from the odd marker pen mark) she still wants them cleaned regular as clockwork.

If all my customers were like that I’d be very happy (apart from the insistence on traditional).
Insistence on trad would be an instant dump from me let alone marking windows to make sure we have cleaned them , our customers trust us do do a top notch job every time without the need for marking windows , the paying on time is what we expect from all customers so she isn’t doing anything out of the ordinary, same with regular clean that’s just a normal customer , so again an instant dump as I wouldn’t a a customer insinuating we might not do all windows .
I have a customer with a CCTV camera. Nice couple actually but I found it incredibly strange at first and it actually really got on my nerves. So much so when it followed me and I cleaned the window closest to it I actually waved and pulled a funny face lol. I'm still not sure if they are remotely controlling it or it's auto tracking me. Not really fussed now.
same thing happens every time i clean the back of a couples house. they have a cctv camera that you can pan & tilt. always moving in my direction when im going from one window to the next. Obvious to see when it moves around right in front of me.
I actually seen the fella moving it remotely while sitting in his arm chair in front of the window i was cleaning.
I just ignore it now . must be like a toy for him . you wonder if hes checking up on me or seeing how quick i clean them
Just ignore it, the fella is just enjoying his new toy.
Does the property have signs to say there is cctv on it? If not then it's illegal to record you (unless I'm misinformed).

Either way, I don't work for customers who don't trust me. I'm a professional tradesman and expect to be treated as such. I don't mind querying the work, e.g. "Does WFP actually work?", but if someone was checking up on me "To see if you've done the windows." then I feel that calls my integrity into question and shows that the customer has no faith in me or respect for my work. I work on my own and have suffered with mental health in the past, so I don't need that kind of negativity in my life, I know it'll bring me down.
I think she had some bad experiences with people saying they’d been and cleaned them when they hadn’t
There were a few years guys back in the day who would miss frosted bathroom and toilet windows if they didn't have a bird strike on them.
I usually just wave to one of their cameras and carry on. Having a camera makes no difference to me. I hope they are watching me and will call an ambulance if I have a heart attack. 👍 I see cameras as a positive for my protection as well.
Does the property have signs to say there is cctv on it? If not then it's illegal to record you (unless I'm misinformed).

Either way, I don't work for customers who don't trust me. I'm a professional tradesman and expect to be treated as such. I don't mind querying the work, e.g. "Does WFP actually work?", but if someone was checking up on me "To see if you've done the windows." then I feel that calls my integrity into question and shows that the customer has no faith in me or respect for my work. I work on my own and have suffered with mental health in the past, so I don't need that kind of negativity in my life, I know it'll bring me down.
I don't know about the legalities of cameras recording, but I believe you have to see them in a positive light.
(Some 25 years ago we had cameras installed in the motor dealership I worked for. The houses round about had to be blocked out to stop the camera operator zooming into their house windows and invading their privacy.)

If some thief steals something from their back garden, then they can look back and see it wasn't us.

We had the experience of a customer's house being broken into the night after we cleaned the house. He was away in Spain. The first question the police asked him was if he had a window cleaner. We need all the help we can get, even if it's from a neighbour's cctv we don't clean.
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Does the property have signs to say there is cctv on it? If not then it's illegal to record you (unless I'm misinformed).
You only need signs if you record beyond your property borders. If the cctv is purely covering inside your property boundary you don't need signs. If it covers other peoples property or public areas then you need signs at the property boundary.
The above is only applicable to domestic properties, commercial are different.
I don't mind CCTV, but would prefer if the camera wasn't being controlled by the homeowner to follow me around lol. That is a bit weird. I have one lady customer who is practically bed bound and has small cameras around her little bungalow. I usually give them a clean off with my cobweb brush when I'm there as she can't do it. Another customer has a house up a country lane and she had problems with a neighbour and sent me a message saying "nothing to do with you but we've had to put a camera up at the side". I said "don't worry, I'll wave when I get there". Later that day she sent a text saying "thanks for giving us a wave, but that wasn't the camera you were waving at, it was part of the boiler flue" 😂😂.
I've cctv looking onto my garden as when I'm home, more often or not, the dogs in the garden, it doesn't even record, just gives me a live feed. I'd never in a million years dream of starting to move it around to follow someone if they were doing work for me. It's a bit weird.
I’ve got a custy with cctv and she’s very open about the fact that she watches it to see if I’ve actually cleaned her windows. She also marks the windows in random places with a dry wipe marker before I come in case I decide to skip some; she’ll know because the mark will still be there.

She insists on having them done traditionally because brushes upset her cat.

Some people are just a bit different I suppose.

Do you get up a ladder then to clean her upper windows?

The marker pen thing is ridiculous IMO....

I would not take a customer on if they wanted me to get up a ladder....if you fall off and hurt yourself she won't be paying your bills if your off work for a few months....👍😄