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Had a customer say last time can u leve it as there still clean it takes me 8 weeks to get round so said no problom then 4 weeks later messege when are you able to clean again. me when I'm back in the area lol. any way text yesterday saying thanks for all the work you have done i apreashet your bizzy but we have got some one eals lol .funny enough i was working there road same day and had a quick look at the conny roof as they have it done every time and whites clean but loads if bee poo on glass still .cant wate for the cleaner to sack them off as i recken that will happen .its a nite are road bee poo on every window lol i wont be taking them back on again 

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Had a few like that over the years. I run a 4 weekly business. So with me it’s usually a 4 or 8 weeks between visits. It’s the ones who want you to come on or after payday that get me. They just don’t get that with every month bar one having slightly more than 28 days, when I come every four weeks that the date I call each month will gradually creep forward in the month and eventually they will have to pay twice in one month. Then they want you to skip a week. Then when you call the following month it’s, “we thought you’d packed up. Our windows are filthy.”
