Wise after the event is easy but I ALWAYS insist on giving every custy who requests a price/quote a written fairly detailed quote (especially those who say just 'an idea of cost is fine' (they WILL hold you to it) I carry printed generic quotes and fill in the specifics - i.e all windows, sills, frames TICK but leave unticked conny, unticked conny roof, etc I always have copy...It's SO easy for people to 'misremember' what they EXACTLY asked you to do. I often verbally reiterate 'to recap - the quote covers clearing out all gutters but NOT cleaning the outsides, is that your expectation? (often results in them saying, well actually, go on how much to clean the outsides..etc ? ) Sounds like he would have reacted the sameway - but at least you could say - if you get your quote it will show what was in/out of scope - and here's my copy. I do this a lot with patios (or anything subject to interpretation) etc, the path here but not that hard standing there etc but... The exception to prove the rule - I did job where custy asked me to clean their patio/and path showed me around and we walked the area..agree price, provided written quote (All front patio and adjacent path at side) cleaned it all - they were out - got a call the day after the job - loved the finish - but why had I 'missed' their back step - I apologised & returned next day...THE 'back step' was round the corner on other side of the house, on it's own - nowhere where custys walked with me and at no time mentioned it...I cleaned it anyhow...got a great reference letter in the post the next day. Clear scope and managing custy's expectation = Peace and Harmony (in theory) failing that you've got your 'get out of jail card' - written scope on quote