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Confused by pump controller


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New battery just arrived /emoticons/biggrin.png all fitted, just filling the tank and then I'll be off for hopefully a stress free afternoon of work /emoticons/smile.png


Amazing, thanks /emoticons/smile.png no problems at all.

So glad I have you guys to help keep me right /emoticons/biggrin.png

So now I know about voltage sag. I can add that to the list of things I never knew I'd need to know about when I started cleaning windows!

Amazing, thanks /emoticons/smile.png no problems at all.
So glad I have you guys to help keep me right /emoticons/biggrin.png

So now I know about voltage sag. I can add that to the list of things I never knew I'd need to know about when I started cleaning windows!
Good, I was thinking about you yesterday and how you were getting on. /emoticons/smile.png

Glad you got it sorted and sorry about the added expense.

Great news. This **** caused me so much stress too. Especially when all u wanna do is get out there and work to pay them bills that keep coming. Very frustrating. Very pleased you've got going.

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It's certainly very stressful when things breakdown isn't it. But feels so good when it gets sorted!
It's actually a lesson in life...no matter what has happened in the past we got through it all to get where we are today.

I've very nearly given up this lark on a couple of occasions, as one problem after another just drove me nuts!! But....got through it all!! :)

More problems will come your way soon...that's just life...and you'll get through those too. It's all to do with the way the mind responds to the problem. Sh*t, I'm getting all philosophical again!! Can't help it.
