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Conny roof I did today


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Put some pics up CNC gotta luv a conny roof mate

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yeh i would if i could get them off my cra...ppy phone....windows 7 tells me there is a known issue with this phone....doesnt fix it though..

.i am due a smart phone but keep changing my mind as each time someone says it doesnt do this or it doesnt do that....i nearly bought one ...nearly..in fact i was wondering what phones you all use and would you recommend them? the moto g seems to be a favourite cheap smart phone but that doesnt have an sd card socket....

i am a bugger for diving in and rushing first thing and then thinking ....why didnt i take a pic....i will take some but i now plan to take the memory card out and do it that way...../emoticons/smile.png

yeh i would if i could get them off my cra...ppy phone....windows 7 tells me there is a known issue with this phone....doesnt fix it though..
.i am due a smart phone but keep changing my mind as each time someone says it doesnt do this or it doesnt do that....i nearly bought one ...nearly..in fact i was wondering what phones you all use and would you recommend them? the moto g seems to be a favourite cheap smart phone but that doesnt have an sd card socket....

i am a bugger for diving in and rushing first thing and then thinking ....why didnt i take a pic....i will take some but i now plan to take the memory card out and do it that way...../emoticons/smile.png
My mum has got the Motorola smart phone only had a play with it the other day very good phone but don't know what the camera is like, I've always had an iphone, I bought the iphone 5 great phone and camera quality is good to

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My mum has got the Motorola smart phone only had a play with it the other day very good phone but don't know what the camera is like, I've always had an iphone, I bought the iphone 5 great phone and camera quality is good to

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yep the daughters got that.....i not that rich...the others have the samsung 4...seems to be popular...i am of course too cheapncheerful to afford them.....:rofl:..it would of course be nice to get my emails as they come in.../emoticons/smile.png

yeh i would if i could get them off my cra...ppy phone....windows 7 tells me there is a known issue with this phone....doesnt fix it though..
.i am due a smart phone but keep changing my mind as each time someone says it doesnt do this or it doesnt do that....i nearly bought one ...nearly..in fact i was wondering what phones you all use and would you recommend them? the moto g seems to be a favourite cheap smart phone but that doesnt have an sd card socket....

i am a bugger for diving in and rushing first thing and then thinking ....why didnt i take a pic....i will take some but i now plan to take the memory card out and do it that way...../emoticons/smile.png
I had an HTC, paying £18 per month but it started going doo lally towards the end of the contract. I now have lady Tuffers' old iPhone, moved to Orange, get 500 minutes, 500 texts and a bit of internet for £8 a month :thumbsup:

yep the daughters got that.....i not that rich...the others have the samsung 4...seems to be popular...i am of course too cheapncheerful to afford them.....:rofl:..it would of course be nice to get my emails as they come in.../emoticons/smile.png
Iphone and Samsung and the Motorola is great for emails I do everything off my iphone, invoicing, emails (work & personal) , shopping, everything lol well worth the money get one off eBay mine was £225 for iphone 5 you just have to hunt for one

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or buy one off the kids ....as that is where this laptop came from..:rofl:..
Or borrow there phone for maybe 2 years lol

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Another roof just finished /emoticons/smile.png

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Again nice job with roof.

I used 2 magic sponges that my wife had got from somewhere ages ago on window frames today should hav taken a pic they do a good job but do disentegrate quite quickly when scrubbin like a mad man.

Regardin gettin a smartphone ive got an old one samsung galaxy s advance. Bought it 2nd hand for £30 n got an essential internet sim of network '3' for £6.90 a month get 200 mins 500 mb 5000 txts. Does me fine.

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nice job...got one in the morn....:eek: hope mine looks as good...looks like new:)
How did you get on with the roof this morning CNC ?

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hmmm, well....the weather was cra ppy as usual and i just wasnt in the mood..i think something like man flue has been attacking me of late. so i started inside just visrol and wipe really came up okay but....guess who didnt bring his little step ladder...so....well there was this chair.....well ...okay it was a rocking chair....i know mr smurf is going to shout at me....i thought i was being clever.....it was kinda hard balancing and looking up, but i got three panels done then the sun came out and as mr tay tay would tell you it gets pretty hot inside...even with all the windows/ doors open...so i went off to do another job...meaning to come back when the large black clouds in the distance reached me..

my next job was mr smurf territory...i had pinched....sorry borrowed ...the guy opposite to me's, power washer.....he said i could borrow it.....but i was using it to..

weed....the patio...well it kinda worked....but my white t shirt went a little spotty....and then i decided to have some fun and power wash the green algae off the conny outside..it works..a bit of a lazy way of doing it as i usually get up and scrub it off...and then the rain arrived...

back inside to clean the remaining three upvc roof panels and back on my rocking chair...okay the bit you have all been waiting for...arsey over head and crash to the concrete floor just missing the patio door with my head by inches..:rofl: yeh you all knew it was coming....

finished off on the other stationary chairs that were in there....and no i dont know why i didnt use them in the first place...well they were bigger and fitted with posh cushions...

didnt have time to do much with outside roof as i wanted to be away and had a suspicion she may come home....so okay....i did a runner....well more jobs another day...:rolleyes:

lovely job on your roof.....i didnt even get my ladders off..

Hahaha that made me laugh /emoticons/smile.png what a day that was for you Jesus lol rocking chair to do a conny roof lololol

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i will have to get a pic of said rocking chair....she has a long list of jobs for me and they have to be done before saturday...but i also am booked up till tuesday and new jobs mean i dont know what i am in for....oh well at least the sun is coming out.....lovely roof job you have done looks like new.../emoticons/smile.png

a few years ago inside a very large georgian house i stood on an antique chair....and yes fell through it ...so i should know better...the owner never knew because it looked pretty naff in the first place...

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Cheers mate , where you from ? It's suppose to hit 24 degrees on Saturday in south east london /emoticons/smile.png

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