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Conny roof I did today


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T shirt for cnc

i will have to get a pic of said rocking chair....she has a long list of jobs for me and they have to be done before saturday...but i also am booked up till tuesday and new jobs mean i dont know what i am in for....oh well at least the sun is coming out.....lovely roof job you have done looks like new.../emoticons/smile.png
a few years ago inside a very large georgian house i stood on an antique chair....and yes fell through it ...so i should know better...the owner never knew because it looked pretty naff in the first place...
Lolz, imagine the owner sitting on the chair and going through it :rofl:

hi me be up northish, a bit in da country, near m6 , sandbach ....yeh looking good weather wise....busiest day ever today, people want me everywhere so i had to do a runner.. well i will get there eventually but am running out of time...

great phone call on my mobile this morning at 8.40am...well i not really mobile till 10ish..

..first i couldnt hear a thing as my old phone was set to headphones and i couldnt really hear and i moved to get a pen and paper and find a bit of signal and then i started to talk ....the trouble was i had obviously missed a lot of the conversation and he was obviously driving...

.can you give me a price and do it then....

where are you....sandbach ..oh i can get to you today as i am passing....i will drop you a price through your letter box....im not there he said ....well i dont need you to be there i will just put the price through the letter box.

..where are you what is your postcode and house number? ...no i am not there ....well i cant give you a price without seeing the house....well its got three windows on the front...blah blah blah.....so you want me to drop a price through....i m not fuc kin there...i want it done today if you can its going on the market...well where are you....and the phone went dead...

and then on to a new job....i dont like new jobs.....well i suppose i do ...but you have to meet new people....and they can seem strange.....well this one wasnt too bad...apparently, terry the window cleaner hasnt been seen since before xmas...well i know a lot dont like my way of finding out how much terry was charging but i had to give it a go....apparently terry was doing this four bedroom three storey house overlooking a lake for the princely sum of £8....hmmm so i told her £10 and got stuck in...well she wanted in and out so it took me a while....i said oh the height would be okay as it wasnt windy....of course by the time i got out it was blowing a fair bit...just a little scary.........

i had to take my time as it was a first clean and i had to have a chat so two hours passed and i was rushing to get to my next appointment...well i was somewhat slowed down by the view....the lady opposite was doing a spot of gardening.....

of course she called me and now was my chance to see if this custy had told lies about how much terry had charged...and she said£6,50 but said terry did hers a bit cheaper although she didnt say why....from the view i was getting when she was gardening...i guess terry was a chest man.....

anyway that one wasnt to far off really,it was smaller, and she gave me the £7 i wanted anyway..

but i had already had another call....and another....and one via email already booked...in sandbach

and so i loaded up and headed off to congleton....miles away ....to me anyway...........but i had already cancelled once and couldnt let her down again....i was thinking should i stay and do the others in sandbach which made more sense or not let someone else down, when whilst driving .. the phone rang...of course knowing the law on such matters i pulled over and answered...it was the wife, her car was ready after its mot...well the garage was a half hour walk away ...so of course that made my mind up and i shot off home...dropped her off and shot off to congleton ....straight into following a 40mph lorry on a road you cant really overtake and a blooming long road...the traffic today was...:turd:

anyway made it to to my lady booked in and she found me two others and a third appeared for a quote from the back ...and all the time the traffic was building

so what will tomorrow bring....an early start as that is the only way ...im running out of days../emoticons/smile.png

How the hell have you survived the last 40 years without killing yourself @cheapncheerful beats me :rofl:

hmmm, well....the weather was cra ppy as usual and i just wasnt in the mood..i think something like man flue has been attacking me of late. so i started inside just visrol and wipe really came up okay but....guess who didnt bring his little step ladder...so....well there was this chair.....well ...okay it was a rocking chair....i know mr smurf is going to shout at me....i thought i was being clever.....it was kinda hard balancing and looking up, but i got three panels done then the sun came out and as mr tay tay would tell you it gets pretty hot inside...even with all the windows/ doors open...so i went off to do another job...meaning to come back when the large black clouds in the distance reached me..
my next job was mr smurf territory...i had pinched....sorry borrowed ...the guy opposite to me's, power washer.....he said i could borrow it.....but i was using it to..

weed....the patio...well it kinda worked....but my white t shirt went a little spotty....and then i decided to have some fun and power wash the green algae off the conny outside..it works..a bit of a lazy way of doing it as i usually get up and scrub it off...and then the rain arrived...

back inside to clean the remaining three upvc roof panels and back on my rocking chair...okay the bit you have all been waiting for...arsey over head and crash to the concrete floor just missing the patio door with my head by inches..:rofl: yeh you all knew it was coming....

finished off on the other stationary chairs that were in there....and no i dont know why i didnt use them in the first place...well they were bigger and fitted with posh cushions...

didnt have time to do much with outside roof as i wanted to be away and had a suspicion she may come home....so okay....i did a runner....well more jobs another day...:rolleyes:

lovely job on your roof.....i didnt even get my ladders off..
i wonder myself sometimes..the force be with me....just wait till i get my ladder up that oak tree....:rofl:another job to do....i did panic when i saw the height of it but she just wants the lower bits off...

It's just your thought proccess that worries me like for instance who in their right mind would pick a rocking chair to stand on other than yourself :rofl:

I use cutomers whelie bins now and then but not for standing on /emoticons/biggrin.png

Infact I used one yesterday as would have it

yes and as i read a post about where to put the sh it out of the gutter i had to be polite and ask and the stupid custy said oh yes put it in this black bin...the same black bin which had a sticker on the lid saying no garden refuse...so i took no notice of him and stuck it in the brown bin....custys who'd have em...:whistle:

we are all scrubbers all of us on this forum, I come on quite a bit for some experience and to gain knowledge.

there is a few on here that thing resonate with me.

my advice to anyone that's new or if in doubt about w/c, trust in smurf.

I don't even know the guy personally, but out of all posts on forum, his sits out.

take his advice and knowledge


Thanks for the kind words but I mostly talk bollocks /emoticons/biggrin.png

we are all scrubbers all of us on this forum, I come on quite a bit for some experience and to gain knowledge.there is a few on here that thing resonate with me.

my advice to anyone that's new or if in doubt about w/c, trust in smurf.

I don't even know the guy personally, but out of all posts on forum, his sits out.

take his advice and knowledge

May I add there are a lot of knowledgeable great folk on here too that makes the forum what it is /emoticons/wink.png

Thanks for the kind words but I mostly talk bollocks /emoticons/biggrin.png
Don't trust this blue creature he is very dangerous /emoticons/smile.png

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