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DIY Heavy Duty Trolley Step by Step/Van mount, pics (PART 2)


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hows everyones trolleys doing ? going make one of these in next couple of weeks as have picked up alot of terrace houses with long back alleys @SqueakyKlean i take it ur controller works well with the pump ?

hows everyones trolleys doing ? going make one of these in next couple of weeks as have picked up alot of terrace houses with long back alleys @SqueakyKlean i take it ur controller works well with the pump ?
Trolleys running great mate. I have used good quality pump and controller on this one so expect it to last a good few years. I start work at 8am and the Trolley hasn't froze this week in sub zero temperatures. I have kept it indoors though at night to keep it warm /emoticons/biggrin.png

I build a trolley sytem about 18/20 months ago, at about the same time as @cheshire window cleaning.

He posted lots of pics on here. It was based on @mark m design.

I must admit its a very good design, and although the parts are cheap (chinese) compents they have lasted very well.

My controller failed a couple of weeks back, but only because I did not mount it very well in the case. A solder joint broke because of the wear and tear of lugging it around.

I have since modified it by mounting the board on the case and soldering wires to the switch. Hopefully get another 18/20 months out of it.

Cheap pump still going fine.

Cheap remote control still going fine.

As others have stated on this forum. It's always good to have some backup system.

Hopefully this year going to upgrade to van system, but will always have the portable system, so usefull for terraces and hard to park areas.

Trolley still going fine, making another exactly the same soon.

Cheap controller works a dream, have it set to about quarter setting and still plenty of good flow of water.

Was out and about in 3 inches of snow last week, no problems.

Jimmy- that is excellent - I have seen similar bests selling for £600 plus but In think yours is a hell of a lot better build and stronger - you should seriously think about supplying them

Jimmy- that is excellent - I have seen similar bests selling for £600 plus but In think yours is a hell of a lot better build and stronger - you should seriously think about supplying them
Thanks mate, Its been running great for over a year now. Couldn't be bothered to mass build them though lol. It is really beyond me though why none of the Trolley manufacturers haven't made a Trolley with a reel. Maybe just a matter of time /emoticons/smile.png

Thanks mate, Its been running great for over a year now. Couldn't be bothered to mass build them though lol. It is really beyond me though why none of the Trolley manufacturers haven't made a Trolley with a reel. Maybe just a matter of time /emoticons/smile.png
I know someone who has had a diy trolley with reel for 8 years

You would think one of these companies would have cottoned on by now


I have just started to build one of these, a question...

My large junction box won't fit in-between the angled bars? Anyone else had this issue? My sack truck looks just like yours and the dimensions on the website fitted in with the box sizes. It catches on the lid lip by the way.

How long did it take you guys to build them? Taking me ages just to source the parts!

Any wiring diagrams on here?? Im no sparky!


Here is my 1st attempt at making my trolley

22ah Battery last year approx 4 days

Remote control with a range of approx 40mtrs

Cheap 100psi pump with variable controller running at 50% power

Works like a dream


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