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Extreme 22 and Gooseneck Valve


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Well-known member
Basildon, Essex
Well, I got my Extreme 22 to replace my broken SLX18 and worked with it for the first time today.

I tried it with the Gooseneck valve at first as this was my preferred method of control on the SLX 18. However, I only got through 2 hours work and knew it wasn't going to work for me on the Extreme like it did with the SLX. This may be because I prefer to work with a swivel on my brush and this requires a bit more downward pressure on the brush to operate the valve, pressure I didn't feel happy applying to the Extreme with two sections extended. So I took a coffee break and switched out the G-Valve for a Univalve. Just got to remember now, not to close windows with it. :laugh:

Overall, a brilliant pole and I'm very happy with it. Well done Gardiners :thumbsup:

Over time I suppose you will determine whether its worth the extra money , I have had my Xtreme 22 with metal bands 14 months now which I bought when they were on sale and 2 sections have snapped 1 was replaced under warranty back in October and the second section snapped this week £350 spent I think it was .

Gone back to stripped down 3 year old battered S-Max its as solid and rigid as a scaffold pole I hack sawed it to reduce closed length and will abuse over the winter months and consider my options going forward .

The X3 Extreme is noticeably more rigid than the SLX but I wouldn't say stronger. I've opted to try the Extreme 22 due to a tendency to strain my wrists fairly easily at work as I've gotten older. However, if it weren't for that I would have stuck with the SLX as it is a good combination of strength and rigidity.
