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Finish time


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I saw you at 3pm today just finishedWhat was that?? Overtime??
And I still haven't sat down. Got home, sorted my water out and cooked dinner, got the youngest kids in the bath, played with the baby and just finished cleaning up the kitchen. Think I might need tomorrow off to recover.

Usually 3 but working until 4 throughout my first winter. May work until 5 in summer to free time for gutters etc more

On days where my work is organised as compactly as possible, 9-3 is plenty of time to earn a decent wack and not completely be knackered at the end of the day.

And I still haven't sat down. Got home, sorted my water out and cooked dinner, got the youngest kids in the bath, played with the baby and just finished cleaning up the kitchen. Think I might need tomorrow off to recover.
Similar story here, in fact pretty much the same, work, sort van, cook, eat, wash up, play with young un, waiting for the soaps to start now..
