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Well here's an update! this person has also posted a damaging message on one of my Fbook posts on my business page :mad: I have done a bit of digging on the other website I referred to at the start of the post and this person has left a post previously giving details as to what road they live in. And yes im sure you've all guessed it............................................................. I DON'T EVEN CLEAN IN THAT STREET. I've now contacted the site explaining the situation and will wait to see what they say? Ill keep you posted. :bangheadwall:
Ibet if you take a drive down that street you'll see a clapped out old Ford Sierra with an A frame ladder on top...theres your man./emoticons/biggrin.png

Ibet if you take a drive down that street you'll see a clapped out old Ford Sierra with an A frame ladder on top...theres your man./emoticons/biggrin.png
The funny thing is that on the same site, somebody is promoting another cleaner, now it may be a total coincidence but on this site it only gives the first name and the first letter of their surname and they both end in the letter N???? I dont think this person is another cleaner simply because and I promise you I'm not making this up but the person in question well SHE used to be a HE its all over their Facebook page????? Ill leave that with you :iaminnocent:

The funny thing is that on the same site, somebody is promoting another cleaner, now it may be a total coincidence but on this site it only gives the first name and the first letter of their surname and they both end in the letter N???? I dont think this person is another cleaner simply because and I promise you I'm not making this up but the person in question well SHE used to be a HE its all over their Facebook page????? Ill leave that with you :iaminnocent:
Tell her...."Just because you got rid of your pole, doesnt mean I'll get rid of mine". /emoticons/biggrin.png

The funny thing is that on the same site, somebody is promoting another cleaner, now it may be a total coincidence but on this site it only gives the first name and the first letter of their surname and they both end in the letter N???? I dont think this person is another cleaner simply because and I promise you I'm not making this up but the person in question well SHE used to be a HE its all over their Facebook page????? Ill leave that with you :iaminnocent:
A weirdo on both counts then :fubar: Stay away from it!

Your best response is to ignore them and make your business massively successful. Don't bite.

so sad greener....hope you sort it out...I was going to say ask them to send a photo as I bet it wasnt you...

some people have no lives of their own so have to make one by causing trouble...and yes they usually get it wrong...
