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Going for it


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I get going about 9.15 after taking kids to nursery and school. Managed to pick up another 4 houses without even trying yesterday, was collecting in a new estate and they all came out to speak to me. Old windie is selling off his run 40 houses worth £400 p/m wants £1000 for it, very tempted but need to wait until tonight for another guy to say no to it!

Yeah, have the cash waiting but just need the other guy to turn it down, that would take me up to 60 houses total for £550 per month and that would be me sorted. Fingers crossed.

Well I've been hitting the canvassing and leaflets hard and thankfully people require my services . The vans loaded ladders are on and I have to say being out in the fresh air and speaking to some friendly people along the way makes the days go quick.

Working on building my round slowly , but thanks to you all for various pieces of advice and encouragement , I'm rather enjoying it.


Taking a leaf from the newer operators here I only had a half day today, but had planned for some time that this afternoon would be a canvass afternoon.

Had a shave grabbed a fist full of my 'Yes please' quote cards and headed off to tackle a road where I already have a small presence. Well in an hour I got to speak to 7 people, signed up 5 and left quote cards for all the other houses I don't do. I expect 3-4 more from the cards by the weekend so all in all not a bad hour and a half! /emoticons/smile.png

Although now I only canvass to get new 'nice' customers to replace the dreaded deadweights on my round. That means I can now remove the 5 worst payers / bad access / prats with attitude from my round.

This is were the road smooths over, when you are at a happy capacity and can get down to a bit of weeding.

I cant wait till round is agro free. If I wanted a job with agro I would be a Traffic Warden,

Going out canvassing on Monday as the plan to buy a run fell through, £1000 for 40 houses for £400 per month, but was already given as a first refusal to someone.

Have 18 houses now and picking up Gutter clears all the time, but would like to get to 50 over the next couple of months, gave myself targets to hit and I'm 7 off my 2 month target but havnt been canvassing for them due to lack of time.

Skul. Every house you clean walk the street and note all the dirty ones and start by hitting them. Preferably there and then as this will make your round more compact if you get them all on one street.

The 5 i picked up yesterday were all on a street where i only have 2 so now thats 7 jobs on 1 street only having to move the van once and i've only spoken to about 10% of the street.

Hitting the dirty next door neighbor does work and be prepared to do them there and then so next month its just maintainance.

Another successful morning , two more customers to do next week.

It looks like a previous window cleaner has gone missing , a nice lady said she'd pass my details on to friends as they all require cleaning !!

I have got into a routine this last couple of weeks of facebook and leaflets, nothing major a couple of hundred leaflets 3-4 times a week and bumping fb 3x a day has seen me pick up a few recently, just need to stay consistent with this now and the round should build, lost about 10 custies recently which has evened it out but those mostly from canvassed work an a couple of awkward twats but although my round is small dont have one custy now that i have a problem with and its 95% online payments so going in the right direction now.

being consistent is king, simply clean what you have then canvass or leaflet rest of the week, rinse and repeat.

it surely will grow. i did exactly that and my round got full by january this year. i stopped leafletting but kinda wished i hadnt. i mean taking on even more would have forced me out of my comfort zone which is 3 employees. if id had the guts to continue who knows where id be in 5 yrs time. 10 employees? 20? i will never know cos i stopped leafletting

Yeh, its like going to the gym, you cant really be arsed and because you cant see the results straight away its easy to stop going.

But if you keep on lifting them weights you cant fail to grow.

Leaflets have been doing better than i though to be fair, ive put out about 1500 in two weeks and picked up 8 custies, thats not too bad a return imo. The thing is with them is sometime not till weeks later you get the call

The great thing about a leafletted custy is they have phoned you which means they have actually taken the effort, which means they are much less likely to mess you about than a canvassed custy.


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