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Got this text yesterday


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So what's holding you back as this time next year you could go national /emoticons/biggrin.png

and this time next year you could be a millionaire.../emoticons/biggrin.png

Yes I know, only got what I could afford initially. But already looking at bigger vans as I'm purchasing a vacuum for gutters and hitting that area too. Looking at employing someone also but finding someone reliable and honest nowadays isn't n easy.

Guy on eBay, you just give him your van model, colour and tell him what you want. He then sends you templates of your van with the text on for you to agree to or amend then he sends you them. Took me 2 hrs to do the whole van.

Yer because the side bits where so big made a slight error but hardly noticeable. Not bad for a first try, plus it was starting to rain and I'm inpatient pfft.

Just looking at threads as new. What a load of crap, no one has any right to ring you up and say you cna nto advertise here. Do virgin call up sky and say bog off. lol. Its harrassment on his part and rude, we all have to accept competition. How on earth would you no what house to flyer and what not to flyer anyway lol. Idiots these people whom think they own a road. If that happens to me then fair play, I have to up my game. Lucky I have friends in locla authorities high up so I have a good degree of back up. I think windys need to just move on and take it on the chin and be polite and fair in the fight for work. Nothing better than fairness, being polite and honourable in competition.

i like the bit "taking bread off my table" . if was you id now increase my efforts to take every crumb just becos he used that phrase

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never really had the upset competition as i dont regularly post flyers but when i did years ago i did get a phone call off someone warning me off a local council estate...

but i politely pointed out that my leaflets were dropped by a local paper, i think it was in the 5000 mark and i could not say miss this out and miss that out...i told him i have no interest in pinching his work and would leave any that phone from there and he was happy....of course i took no notice and do three on there at present....i have even worked amongst them....although...i was kinda hiding around the back...ohh what a coward.../emoticons/biggrin.png

on another small estate....i must have done something wrong as after ages a big chunk just dropped me for another windy but i am still doing a few on there...i never liked it on there anyway...i dont like goldfish bowl work...:Das in everyone watching your every move...:specs:specs:specs

I don't mind when the custys watch

It means they can see how damn good I am

yeh ...i am getting used to it now dave....still...its nice when i am just left to get my music on and do my own thing...what worries me...is the funny face i pull when i have to do some physical work....and of course...the occasional break out into ...

a strange dance ..:rofl:
