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Graffiti on Render Removal?!


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I've been asked to remove from graffiti from a rendered wall and I'll be totally honest it sounds like a lot of hassle to be able to remove? Anyone had the joy of this this before and if so the process and if it was worth it? My head is already saying to leave it alone, though I'm always up for a task and some experience that might help me expand.
I've been asked to remove from graffiti from a rendered wall and I'll be totally honest it sounds like a lot of hassle to be able to remove? Anyone had the joy of this this before and if so the process and if it was worth it? My head is already saying to leave it alone, though I'm always up for a task and some experience that might help me expand.
It's never easy if I'm honest. Varying pigments which make up colours can make some paints harder to remove. Is the surface painted or scat finished ?

Dave aka Squeaky clean dave recently published a first time graffiti removal which may be of interest to you

Like any job, how much do you need the money? That's normally the defining quoter
It's never easy if I'm honest. Varying pigments which make up colours can make some paints harder to remove. Is the surface painted or scat finished ?

Dave aka Squeaky clean dave recently published a first time graffiti removal which may be of interest to you

Like any job, how much do you need the money? That's normally the defining quoter
thanks for the reply. Not being a ...... but I don't need the money, though sometimes the experience is invaluable. Ah, I think I might've seen that vid, I'll look it up again now. Thank you!
A lot off people say this companies products are good, I have never tried them -

You're probably going to need a hot water boiler or hot pressure washer along with chemicals.
I've not done it from render but have with brickwork and it's a real pita.
You'll definitely need chemicals but also some pressure because I've not yet discovered any chemical that removes/strips paint as effectively as the marketing claims.
Render is unlikely to be able to withstand the type of pressure you'll need and the other consideration is etching - and leaving behind the shadow of the graffitti in the render.
Like you I'm usually up for something different but not this. I just don't see a happy outcome and personally I wouldn't get involved with it.
I've not done it from render but have with brickwork and it's a real pita.
You'll definitely need chemicals but also some pressure because I've not yet discovered any chemical that removes/strips paint as effectively as the marketing claims.
Render is unlikely to be able to withstand the type of pressure you'll need and the other consideration is etching - and leaving behind the shadow of the graffitti in the render.
Like you I'm usually up for something different but not this. I just don't see a happy outcome and personally I wouldn't get involved with it.

I think I agree with you K. I've been passed it today to have a look and he's been a naughty boy it would seem. The words 'Cheating C..T' have been sprayed across his house which in turn is right alongside a busy road lol. He's tried having a go himself, but it's clear as day.

Would his best bet to remove as much as he can with chemicals and have the side of the house repainted afterwards? I'm not sure what else to suggest as like you say, the render won't be able to sustain the pressure needed. Thanks
I think I agree with you K. I've been passed it today to have a look and he's been a naughty boy it would seem. The words 'Cheating C..T' have been sprayed across his house which in turn is right alongside a busy road lol. He's tried having a go himself, but it's clear as day.

Would his best bet to remove as much as he can with chemicals and have the side of the house repainted afterwards? I'm not sure what else to suggest as like you say, the render won't be able to sustain the pressure needed. Thanks
That sounds like a good idea. Although also bear in mind any stripper used, if it's working well, will also take off the render paint.
Or just paint over it if it can be covered up easily enough?
trouble with strippers you still get ghosting left behind
this is the problem. He used some stuff from toolstation then used his karcher to try and pressure wash it off. it's a right mess. I've put hypo on it and cleaned the side of the house but it still looks ****. I really don't want to blast it with more power, so I'll go over it one more time and advise him to paint which he already knows is the likely outcome.
this is the problem. He used some stuff from toolstation then used his karcher to try and pressure wash it off. it's a right mess. I've put hypo on it and cleaned the side of the house but it still looks ****. I really don't want to blast it with more power, so I'll go over it one more time and advise him to paint which he already knows is the likely outcome.
just out of interest, do you think he actually is a "cheating ****"? Did he deserve it?
just out of interest, do you think he actually is a "cheating ****"? Did he deserve it?
Ha, honestly he seemed a very nice guy and also has a mrs, so maybe it was some kids who had done it, I didn't have the balls to ask lol. Like predicted, tried everything possible, but he will have to paint it now. The render is clean as possible ready for him to paint, he was aware of this before I got going. It didn't help him buying some remover and using a karcher an inch from the render and blowing the tits off it.

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