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Green Green Grass Of Home


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your a legend smurf, gadget man. i normally use a harris pole with a potato masher taped onto the end of pole, hammer it th fit gutters , just stretch it out and rake it towards me. saves you moving your ladder to much. i used to have an eastern trading 3000 vac, sold it a couple of yeas ago. i think it is better now with carbon tubing, much safer than the big alloy piping. if they werent so costly i might get another one.

and if you tried to grow it like that you would fail.....great photos ....i did have one and from the ground it only looked a smallish type of weed but when i got up there the bloody roots went all under the tiles......i now charge smurf prices so no longer care:)

I was hoping for a day off tomorrow but, 2 gutter jobs and 1 conny roof came in today. Happy days not as I was hoping for some nookey. Money or nookey? Tough call :rolleyes:

I was hoping for a day off tomorrow but, 2 gutter jobs and 1 conny roof came in today. Happy days not as I was hoping for some nookey. Money or nookey? Tough call :rolleyes:
get her to pay you:D

If I'm honest like yourself I started out being really cheap as was charging per linear metre as you do but I soon found out on most jobs I was way under pricing the work no matter what size or bad the job was.

It did not take me long to figure out that even on smallish straightforward one-off gutter clearing jobs can be pigs to do so I should be charging at least £35 per side for my troubles and believe it or not most ppl are happy to pay to get it done properly.

At the end of the day regarding pricing I simply charge what I want for the job using the right kit to minimise the risk but still can be bloody hard and dangerous work.

and if you tried to grow it like that you would fail.....great photos ....i did have one and from the ground it only looked a smallish type of weed but when i got up there the bloody roots went all under the tiles......i now charge smurf prices so no longer care:)
My prices are pretty much in line with smurfs. I got stung enough times in the early days. I found that people don't generally do anything with thier gutters until they are chock full. Out of sight out of mind as they say.

i agree and anyway if they don't like it lets see them do it himself......the trouble with me is i forget the pain after a few days but you're right they don't come up that often for me and when they do i should get a decent whack for doing them...i am in the process of sorting out my work and letting odd ones go etc as this year i want to get my house sorted and i am sick of wasted time and journeys for a couple of jobs......four years ago i bought the flags for the rear patio.....and if my son asks for the outside tap back one more time....i pinched it for the garage conversion..../emoticons/smile.png


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