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Wow, I'm really surprised to here you get through a bag and a half every month! I hope your getting the money back in mate. All told I'm small fry atm but I make a bag last me 3 months. Probably because I try to use as much rain water as possible and my tap water is 100ppm. where are you based alien?
I go through 6L of resin in 5-6 days doing 125L a night here too. £115 a month /emoticons/biggrin.png

Wow, I'm really surprised to here you get through a bag and a half every month! I hope your getting the money back in mate. All told I'm small fry atm but I make a bag last me 3 months. Probably because I try to use as much rain water as possible and my tap water is 100ppm. where are you based alien?
Are you Exeter based mate? Lucky to have 100ppm - would have thought it would be higher in a location like that.

I admittedly spend more money by using DI only in a relatively high ppm area but it's just so easy and quick. Means I can spend most my time actually working and less time prepping for work.

The point of the system though is that you've got a pre pre filter going into a pre filter and then into a pure vessel so the ppm is getting lower the more it goes through the vessels.

Fortunate that work has been tremulously busy recently which is always a blessing.

Yeah, I'm really lucky tbh because I fill up at my parents gaff which is 100ppm average and they are not on a meter either, and I harvest rainwater as much as possible.
