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heres my diy wfp trolley system!


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That pump should be ok, I had a quick look on sureflow site to check the dimensions. It seem slightly bigger than mine, but should fit in the box, if u got the same trolley and box as us.
I,m not 100% on this but I thought I read somewhere that for the warrenty on those pumps, u need to have the strainer attached which would take up more space in the box (and add to cost), plus u need fitttings for pump to connect hose (not sure if they include those in price). The cheap pump just has barbs which u put the hose over with clips.

If u need help with anything like wiring or attaching box to trolley etc. I'l be happy to help, as I'm sure Cheshire and Willowtree would as well.
That sounds too complicated for me lol.. Maybe I'll just get the same stuff as you guys and take it from there, prob sensible. Cheers Barney, I will no doubt need help with something, can't wait to get ordering!

Yeh go for it. U can't go too wrong with this setup. Must admit it's fun to wait for parts to arrive and put them all together. That way u know how to sort any problems in future as u put it together.

Yeh, thats the same one I got mate. Have u had chance to test it fully with water. Does it shut off automatically when u apply the shut off tap, if u have one?

that pump looks abit more hardcore rather than the plastic one i bought and it has the wires going in at the top too where the pressure switch bit is so presume it does actually cut power!

should have got that instead and its only £2 more than the other thing i bought from the same seller!!!!

Not had time to try it cutting off yet Barney, will give it ago Monday, too much family things on over weekend, will let you know, but with the remote switch on hand it solves that problem anyway.

Agree mate, I use a trolley for the odd job where parking is a no goer, and pulling it about is a ball ache.

For what these companies sell them for, I'm sure you whizz kids could make a killing making and selling them on fleabay.

Do it, all millionaires start somewhere o_O

That's pimped up trolley pal!

Way better than mine but one thing I would say is why not put a easy to access fuse in the rob rather than in the box, mine just unscrews if it blew rather than take cover off?

Love the reel on it too,might have to nick that idea lol and cheers for the pump link!
