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Starting or own a window cleaning business? We're a network of window cleaners sharing advice, tips & experience. Rounds for sale & more. Join us today!

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I owe you all an apology for reading all the posts here for the last 6 month without saying a word.

Not nice I know, but I did use the SEARCH button /emoticons/wink.png

It helped a lot: I got for myself all the information I needed to make up my mind and get a decent RO/DI system (water from tap here is 370ppm), a Backpack with Renegade deal from Facelift, 5x25L water containers from e-bay, a good ladder and good trad stuff for inside windows.

Off I went and it was better than I hoped.

In just 5 weeks working 2 days a week, advertising only on FB I got all my investment back and got around 50 returning customers (4 or 6 weekly cleans) and I am ready to say goodbye to my full time job and become a full time window cleaner.

Fingers crossed it all goes well!

Cheers lads!

Welcome to a great forum hive of knowledge as you have already explained, all the best for the future.

Welcome mate and good luck

1 tip is go to your local tesco/asda etc car wash and ask if they have any empty drums if you need more

I do that whenever i need any

Sometimes they come without lids (cheap as chips on ebay)

And they will always need a good wash out as they would have contained wheel cleaner or tfr etc but then good as new for pure water


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