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Get a PS5 with the latest VR headset with Gran Turismo.. very good
I'm too bleedin greedy, I have still got my PS3 should have kept my PS2 as well,

I honestly can't warrant the price as I only use it for a few months of the year and with the backwards compatibility of games there ain't much point, until that changes I'll wait.

After all I am but a lowly, low earning window cleaner who can't afford such expensive things 😏
I'm too bleedin greedy, I have still got my PS3 should have kept my PS2 as well,

I honestly can't warrant the price as I only use it for a few months of the year and with the backwards compatibility of games there ain't much point, until that changes I'll wait.

After all I am but a lowly, low earning window cleaner who can't afford such expensive things 😏
Ah man grand theft auto vice city on the PS2 what a game!
I thought I could detect the sighthound outline.
I've got 2 whippets, smashing dogs πŸ‘πŸ»

Lazy **** dogs though.....
Nice looking dogs.

Ours can be a lazy sod at times and had typical whippet and sighthound traits when she was quite young, allegedly very lazy, won't want to go to out in the rain and will hate water and won't walk into water or swim, this is what I was told by other owner's

Our girl will go out in all weathers and pouring rain doesn't bother her she loves been out in the rain and hunting she'll be straight in ditches and streams and she'll swim in becks and rivers most of the year as she sees fit.
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