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How much earnings per day


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its not just a response on this topic it seems that ever time I ask a question to give me an idea on realistic numbers or tactics for the business green seems very short answered with me which I find needless,it happened last year when I was on here more and didn't sign on it for a year,come back on for some input and get put off by the his bluntness,everyone else seems quite helpful when I ask things
hi mate, green can be straight to the point sometimes and can be sarcastic,just like me i'm grumpy and have little time for idiots-sometimes it comes across as that-we are human afterall,coming back to your question,are you happy with what you turnover a day?

we all have bad days and bonus good days but it all averages out but if you are happy with your turnover then tbh theres no point in comparing daily prices as its so variable as theres lads from all over the uk replying to your question,hence things could get a bit heated,as a general rule no-one posts there daily takings because its of no relavance-my wife has no idea of what i earn,she's content though that i can pay the bills and put food on the table.

reading between the lines i feel that you may be going through a bit of a lull at the moment,you can always drop me a line if you want'need to mate

Long as you can pay your bills, put a bit back into the business, some savings and a holiday or two. Your doing better than 3/4 of the country.

how many hours    u work

  1. how compact ur work is
  2.  wether ur trad or wfp
  3. wether u hae a realible system
so for talk sake if i went out and worked  from 7.30 to 6

i work on average of 9 hours    this allowing for travwelling and eating lol

multiply that out by  my hourly rate ??


It's impossible to say a daily amount when you have to consider all factors I'd say you would have to average your takings over a month

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Best to have a weekly target. If you don't hit it that week for whatever reason then try to make up the difference the next week.  I always try to get as much as possible done Monday and Tuesday. A good start to the week takes the stress out of the rest of the week. It's always a good idea to do as much as you can when you can then when the inevitable delays happens you are already in front.

Best to have a weekly target. If you don't hit it that week for whatever reason then try to make up the difference the next week.  I always try to get as much as possible done Monday and Tuesday. A good start to the week takes the stress out of the rest of the week. It's always a good idea to do as much as you can when you can then when the inevitable delays happens you are already in front.
I prefer an easy Monday, not usually that sharp after the weekend  :delusional:

The true answer to this is how much you want to earn. Some weeks I only do 3 days or 4 if the Mrs is working lots as it's its better for me to look after my daughter. If I want more money next week I can go out now and knock doors for a few hours and say with confidence I will get new work. My main aim each month is to pay the mortgage and other bills then once we got that earn as much as I can but quality of life is important too  and spending an extra day with my kid is worth more than some extra cash especially by the time I pay childcare! Some would be happy earning a grand a month some would want 5k a month some employ people and pay wages! 

 And as green says even my Mrs doesn't know exactly what I get! 

My earnings now are terrible, only my third month so I'm happy with my growth. Just left a big company to set up myself and we used to aim at £300 /day for lads on residential, realistically £200-300. However this is a very compact round in an affluent area. 300-500 for lads on commercial. Another large company I used to work for aim for £30/hour realistically £10-30. This was residential only with a very spread round

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hi. I'm thinking of starting up as a window cleaner. Just looking for some advice on how to go about building a client base. Thanks in advance
Knock on people’s doors and ask if they would like a window cleaner.

I’d wait til the plague has passed over though.

Good luck!


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