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How to keep your energy levels up during the day?


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Your metabolism is going to be shot to bits Shazzy

Not sure what happened there tuffers....I meant to quote shazzy but seem to have brought some of your quote In.....and i have only had one beer so far!

I eat properly (proper proportions of protein and carbs) and can go all day

Now it's christmas and i will be eating ***** i will notice the difference as soon as i go back out working

I can eat loads due to high always having had a high metabolism but it's the quality not quantity of food that messes you up

And i can still do a few coffees or litre of energy drink with no bad effect if i feel run down

I agree with Andy. You need to make an appointment with your GP.

The first thing he/she should do is to check your blood pressure.

He/she should also take bloods to see if there is anything untoward going on such as a viral infection, diabetes, or thyroid issues.

And yes, I totally agree with other posters on having a good diet. However, you could also be eating something your body is intolerant to such as wheat or dairy. If my wife eats bread she is lethargic the following day.

They say your main meal of the day should be breakfast.

Coffee or any caffeinated drinks can have different effects on different people. As Diwrnach says, some can become coffee tolerant where others experience a spike in blood pressure after drinking a cup. If a cup of coffee gives you a temporary lift and then drops you into the 'gutter' an hour or so later then you need to reduce your caffeine intake. (I'm a coffee addict - it doesn't give me a boost or stop me sleeping - it just irritates my bladder which isn't a good thing; worse in the cold weather.

You can get immune to caffeine

I have been known to drink a litre of energy drink and then fall asleep on the sofa

For some it is good to boost metabolism

I drink caffeine before a big workout at the gym to start me off

Sugar and wheat are the worst things to eat

Especially sugar as it causes insulin spikes which cause your body to burn fat to feed itself rather than glucose which will make you feel ***** as too much glucose in the blood is bad

This causes insulin resistance which makes the body produce more and it becomes a vicious circle

fructose which is just as bad is used to sweeten fizzy drinks and causes lots of problems

It may not be why you feel crap but try cutting it out for a week and see

And don't get me started on bread lol

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You can get immune to caffeineI have been known to drink a litre of energy drink and then fall asleep on the sofa

For some it is good to boost metabolism

I drink caffeine before a big workout at the gym to start me off

Sugar and wheat are the worst things to eat

Especially sugar as it causes insulin spikes which cause your body to burn fat to feed itself rather than glucose which will make you feel ***** as too much glucose in the blood is bad

This causes insulin resistance which makes the body produce more and it becomes a vicious circle

fructose which is just as bad is used to sweeten fizzy drinks and causes lots of problems

It may not be why you feel **** but try cutting it out for a week and see

And don't get me started on bread lol
Finding theses replies really interesting... can anyone put together a ideal menu of what to eat through the day...ie breakfast...lunch..evening meal..I am really thinking of trying this out in the new year...as I said earlier some days Iam fine others I get tired quickly I am sure it's all down to diet. Recently just had blood pressure and a blood test for cholesterol checked and both fine...

Eat good quality protein: chicken pork etc eggs are good too and lots of green veg

Broccoli is one of the only veg packed with protein

That's why gym guys eat chicken and broccoli

cut out the bread if poss and pasta

eat carbs if you want but good ones like rice

give it a try for a week

Eat little and often if you want to give your metabolism a boost

and make sure you have brekkie

I also prefer to drink cider as beer is made from wheat and it also makes me bloated due to that

I am saying this while eating the extra poppadoms i bought with my takeaway tonight lol

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Great thread,keep adding to this

Porridge for brekkie

I've cut bread out tuna salad for me with crackers

Pasta with bolognese for tea

Still eat chocolate I'm afraid,but very rarely drink alcohol

Always have 8 hrs kip,could sleep on a washing line me

Find I can do 6 hrs a day straight off no probs

Stamina i think comes after time, just keep going. I hope there is nothing wrong medically and if there isnt u probably just need to build up ur stamina/fitness. I can do a 9 hour solid stretch on a monday but im totally knackered on the evening and just go to sleep early, i sleep a lot if im honest, always breakfast "fuel" or porridge with fresh berries.

I always take lunch, sandwiches usually, bananas for snacks. I find its best never to sit down especially in the car as u may well just drive home after 20mins. Just keep going like a robot remembering that the more u do today the less u have at the end of the week and a longer break comes.

In hot weather or after hard work, electrolytes can help a lot, especially if prone to headaches and/or cramps too. Can carry a few easy swallowed pills in a wallet. Also good after any digestive problems...

Deep breathing can help resettle the body too and get ready for another bout of work. Breathing is fuel too :thumbsup:

For me, the jets are a good sleep at least 6 hours. And very important is an oaty breakfast ususally Alpen or porridge. Though I do like an energy drink with my lunchtime sandwiches.



Are you guys serious? I have 3 coffees for breakfast, and work 7 hours (Any more would be greedy) and drive home. If it's hot (and it often is here in NZ... 30 degrees plus) I may weaken and have a cold beer at around 2pm, This invigorates me to astounding levels. My sense of humour also seems to return to its normal exceptional level too. Try it, you'll soon realise it is the WAY. It proly helps if you have a spare 20kg like I do though.

Nothing I have said is an exaggeration or lie BTW, but on a more serious note, I put alot of thought into energy conservation. One example, if you have 4 full length windows side by side, do the top halves first, then get on your knees and shuffle along doing the bottom halves. That way you lift your body weight one time instead of 4. Over a day you can save yourself 200 squat thrusts.

If your shattered after a few hours work you need to ditch the drink coffee and take sarnies advice and get yourself to your doctors

Don't know if anyone's mentioned this but I find the energy saps out me if I'm going through issues out with work, clear them up and I'm as fit as a fiddle. Nothing like emotional stuff making your legs feel tens tons going up every rung of the ladder.


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