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I don't know how often yet??


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Most of mine are happy monthly

4 weekly seems too soon for the custys round here but once a month seems to go down well even though most months there's not much in it

All in the mind methinks

Although you 4 weekers get an extra clean in over a year

Monthly for me.......and I only work the FULL weeks of any Month....the odd days at the beginning and end of the month are mine to do as I wish :thumbsup:.

Now Im Confused LOL, to be honest I think the majority of the eight week cleans I do are not to bad:) yes they are a bit dirty but that just gives me something to concentrate on and walk away with them sparkling, the handful of 4 weekly I have leave me with a bit of a quandary as they are so clean when I turn up:confused::confused:, and I know i'm running a business but I also pride myself in giving customers value for money, now I know im not the cheapest especially compared to the bloke I used to work for, now he had a load of 4 weekly customers but he was in my opinion very cheap and undersold the service that we supply, and I mean this with the utmost respect to him and I repeat I respect him, but I learnt a long time ago in a previous career that you can quite easily become an busy idiot if its just about the numbers.

Now Im Confused LOL, to be honest I think the majority of the eight week cleans I do are not to bad:) yes they are a bit dirty but that just gives me something to concentrate on and walk away with them sparkling, the handful of 4 weekly I have leave me with a bit of a quandary as they are so clean when I turn up:confused::confused:, and I know i'm running a business but I also pride myself in giving customers value for money, now I know im not the cheapest especially compared to the bloke I used to work for, now he had a load of 4 weekly customers but he was in my opinion very cheap and undersold the service that we supply, and I mean this with the utmost respect to him and I repeat I respect him, but I learnt a long time ago in a previous career that you can quite easily become an busy idiot if its just about the numbers.
I read this back to my self and thought I might try to explain what I mean, I am only offering my opinion and this is solely based on my own experience, I used to have to clean around 12-15 four weekly customers each day, bringing in around £160-£200 per day, I now clean around 7-12 8 weekly customers bringing in roughly around the same amount giving me more time to build the business canvassing ect and to be honest i find the cleans dont need much more effort that the 4 weekly ones did,

Tbh even 2 monthly cleans don't take any longer than a 4 weekly

Asda eco liquid and flash takes everything off

If really dirty i use my porcupine not moerman applicator and a good soap up..job done

You are bang on though..less jobs more cash

Gone are the days of 20 8 quid jobs in a day when i was subbing

I started in 1991 and some guys i know aren't making a hell of a lot more nowadays..i don't understand those guys who don't realise what they are worth

It is a very good job contrary to popular belief

I started in 1991 and some guys i know aren't making a hell of a lot more nowadays..i don't understand those guys who don't realise what they are worthIt is a very good job contrary to popular belief
I agree, I work my assets of on each clean and to be honest I know I could make it a lot easier for myself as I probably clean over the top ie clean twice? Im trying to slightly change my technique as I know I'm going over the top and this makes me slower but I can't help myself and I tend to carry out each clean as if its a first clean even though its only half as dirty LOL [delusional]

How long you been at it?

I am extremely thorough but I am also quick but only due to quarter of a century doing it

you seem to think that they are pretty much the same effort [4 or 8 weekly. let me reason with you youre kidding yourself

. say on average at each house a bird plops on3 of the windows every month that needs scraping ,well in 2 months thats 6 plops that need scraping . so EVERY house you go to clean is going to take the effort of 6 scrapes , rather than 3 .

Your customers recognize the value for money Greener, hence they have you every 4 weeks and therefore their windows are always minty mint, which is what they are paying for.

I run but the 4 week rota, 12 cleans a year, as above thee odd days are mine for whatever from clearing gutters to having a break away.

I also do bi-monthly but at a surcharge of a couple of quid on top of my monthly prices or it's a one off price.

That's the choices I give em and they can take or leave, I am not holding a gun to their head and there are loads of windies they can choose from round here.

Your right, you are a business not a charity and also you need to value yourself accordingly or no one else will.

You got unlucky customers if they got between 3 and 6 bird craps on their windows boar

Agreed Davey I rarely see bird crap! But how can 4 weeks be too long and monthly be ok? I am wfp and don't see much difference in monthly or bi monthly as far as dirt goes. I just charge 25-40% extra( depending on what I think I can get away with) and move on. I have a handful of monthlys, mostly bi monthly, don't see what I can do so just price more and get it usually. I am in London too. who knows?!

Funny you mention bird ****, I have one window on a large house I do, it has nothing overhanging, no trees, no ledge, no TV aerial, nothing, yet every single clean it has the biggest bird **** you ever saw on it, in more or less the same spot on the ledge, its ground floor as well.

Its baffled me for ages.

If your punters think £10 per month is too much just ask what they pay monthly for their Sky TV, Mobile Phone Bill, Car Insurance, Council Tax, Road Tax, Grocery Bill and Beer Tokens.

That will end the conversation ass they realize they need to make cutbacks so they wont be needing a window cleaner! /emoticons/tongue.png

Agreed Davey I rarely see bird ****! But how can 4 weeks be too long and monthly be ok? I am wfp and don't see much difference in monthly or bi monthly as far as dirt goes. I just charge 25-40% extra( depending on what I think I can get away with) and move on. I have a handful of monthlys, mostly bi monthly, don't see what I can do so just price more and get it usually. I am in London too. who knows?!
I meant that round here if you say 4 weekly most don't go for it but psychologically monthly sounds longer even though it is usually just a couple of days difference

Where are you in London fella?

I had a round in w10 area i sold 15 years ago when I moved to Hertfordshire when my son was born which was around a tenner a 3 bed house back then

Ah fair play, yes most things are psychological in life eh. I am in Wimbledon so aim for the nicer end of the market, mostly due to parking permits (royal pain in the arse) so off road parking is a dream. Less clients take more time, do a top job, charge more. :whistle: it's right what you say as I have mates still charging the same as they were 10 years ago..

w10 I know it, I have some nice jobs in fulham and chelsea, lovely apartment block in cadogan square

Yeah, forgot we were talking London prices, geography makes a difference,

London 2 bed terrace £95 per month

Hertfordshire, 3 bed semi £30 per month

Nottingham, 2 bed terrace £10 per month

York, 3 bed semi, £8 per month

Scotland, Balmoral Castle, £ can of Special Brew and 10 Mayfair!

NI - (Peters Patch) Any size gaff £ Just for the crack so there's something to do!

Now then in the words or Ricky Willson, I predict a riot! /emoticons/tongue.png:p:p


I was born in st marys opposite qpr

Grew up in Ladbroke Grove

Big money jobs around Kensington gardens

Hertfordshire more like 15 squid green for a 3 bed

Well at least in town (stevenage )

The villages are a different story..rule of thumb..if your 3 bed is worth more than 500k you're paying me more than 15 quid
