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I don't know how often yet??


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Matt i posted the link on here before but you would know it i am from trellik tower on goldborne road (the block with the corridors that join in the air to the smaller block that you can see from the westway)

Can see battersea power station and bush market from the same window

im charging £12 for a standard 3 bed semi and £10 terraced on 4 weekly £14 and £12 on an 8 weekly up in leeds/wakefield, think thats about righ up north but i will be trying for more once i get established

Wow, I'm charging £15 for 3 bed semis, (easy ones) up here in Nottingham, thought you would have been more expensive back down there in Hertfordshire.
It all depends what part mate

Hertfordshire is big

If i go 6 miles to digswell and tewin i charging a fiver more per house than here and st albans even more

I remember the big drums i used to do on bishop's avenue in nw london

If you're a millionaire you are a few 0's short of being able to live their

Bloody good pay but hard to make them pay up

Hence why it was worth selling up when i moved

People who gold leaf the gold tips on their spikey wrought iron fence as money is nothing to them

This is where i grew up Matt

Trellick Tower West Kensington: [media]

[/media]Used to be called the tower of terror o the tv documentary about it that i can't find

Had to step over the junkies to get to your flat lol

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How long you been at it?I am extremely thorough but I am also quick but only due to quarter of a century doing it
I started out on my own on the 5th Jan this year buddy.

Well done mate

Keep going and you'll do fine

At least you're in the right place for good advice

Between us their ain't much we don't know

In fact i reckon we know too much lol as we all seem to know best

I think you're pretty much on target there Adam, to be honest I dont think Wakefield would pay much more than that, I'm guessing you are priced at the top end of the local windies?
Yes mate i seem to be at the top end, theres a lot of trad guys doing £5-£8 houses from people ive spoke to and i get a lot of "thats expensive" when quoting on facebook, but sticking to my guns on it. that said theres some areas in wakey that do take better prices its not all working class, i have a half a dozen houses over 20 quid and i do the odd very small terraced at £8 but my average is about £12, i reckon i can push my average up to £15 over time which would be a nice target

i agree mate but theres well established guys doing good jobs for £5-£8 quid a house, some people ive spoke to are very happy with their windy whos been doing them for years and years and they only pay that much. Up here if you can get more than minimum wage its considered a good job lol

Then keep doing what you're doing Adam cos it's working and good luck fella

Been doing anymore canvassing lately? ?

eh, not really @daveyboy1 lol, the odd bit but not properly, i keep trying but it just not my thing, im not worrying too much though i keep picking up the odd one off facebook or word of mouth plus car valeting is going mad lately, think i have about 70 custies so im still on course for the target i set for the year and i should be getting my hours reduced at work this week which will see me getting out more leafletting and canvassing.

This is how I work it? Set days for roads eg, 3rd Thursday of the month, 1st Monday of the month etc, this can mean one month you are there after under 4 weeks and another month you are there after 4 weeks, this gives your customers an opportunity to leave money, wait in or leave gates open, they also can put it down on the calendar every month as they know when to expect you. I tell them as well if it's raining bad I'll be there the next day but it goes back to it's allotted day the next month

This is where i grew up MattTrellick Tower West Kensington: [media]

Wow Davey that tower is iconic! Must have been a moody place to grow up but it's sought after now. Amazing views indeed, shame it was inside and out when you were there!

This is how I work it? Set days for roads eg, 3rd Thursday of the month, 1st Monday of the month etc, this can mean one month you are there after under 4 weeks and another month you are there after 4 weeks, this gives your customers an opportunity to leave money, wait in or leave gates open, they also can put it down on the calendar every month as they know when to expect you. I tell them as well if it's raining bad I'll be there the next day but it goes back to it's allotted day the next month

How do you find this works around weather and other delays, holiday etc, ?

I just started out saying every 4th week, so then its up to me what order i do them and be able to account for rain etc.
