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Ian Lancaster franchise package


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I see, i know a franchise that a lot of there staff leave after a year or so and a few of them end up starting there own round aswell, i think its the 20% cut they are having to pay each month, at first they may not mind, but after a year or so when they get late with other bills and then they got a 20% lump to pay on there work people think sod it !

If u franchise i recommend u always charge a 3k-4k upfront for them to be part of your franchise, a lot of window cleaners do not charge them the initial fee and thats where the problem arises, the franchisee has nothing to lose if he has nothing to pay, if u get someone paying u 3k-4k minimum  they will be your long term members of staff.

I chose to employ as it suited me more, they both have there pros and cons but i think if u want to grow and look bigger then u are then u should go for a franchise because u can have part time franchisees in 1 van doing £1500 worth of work per month and thats a signed up van on the road , free advertisement , cant go wrong ?

Franchises are also less stress then employing


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I see, i know a franchise that a lot of there staff leave after a year or so and a few of them end up starting there own round aswell, i think its the 20% cut they are having to pay each month, at first they may not mind, but after a year or so when they get late with other bills and then they got a 20% lump to pay on there work people think sod it !

If u franchise i recommend u always charge a 3k-4k upfront for them to be part of your franchise, a lot of window cleaners do not charge them the initial fee and thats where the problem arises, the franchisee has nothing to lose if he has nothing to pay, if u get someone paying u 3k-4k minimum  they will be your long term members of staff.

I chose to employ as it suited me more, they both have there pros and cons but i think if u want to grow and look bigger then u are then u should go for a franchise because u can have part time franchisees in 1 van doing £1500 worth of work per month and thats a signed up van on the road , free advertisement , cant go wrong ?


So let me get this right haz, you think a franchisee will quit because they’re losing 20% a week? When they don’t have the expenses of running things like SEO, websites and advertising...

so if thats the case why wont your employee’s

leave you? As they’re a lot worse off than 20% a week. 

My first franchisee will be vat registered before me! But we have a plan in place for him. 

You seem to really hung up on franchising or have something against it lol. 

Who cars if a van is on the road and it’s only half full. It’s all extra income

So let me get this right haz, you think a franchisee will quit because they’re losing 20% a week? When they don’t have the expenses of running things like SEO, websites and advertising...

so if thats the case why wont your employee’s

leave you? As they’re a lot worse off than 20% a week. 

My first franchisee will be vat registered before me! But we have a plan in place for him. 

You seem to really hung up on franchising or have something against it lol. 

Who cars if a van is on the road and it’s only half full. It’s all extra income
Im assuming that they must quit for certain reasons because a franchise operation i know is losing a lot of franchisees, its either the 20% hit but really i think the real problem is when a franchisee doesnt pay an upfront fee so he has nothing to lose which  he doesnt care losing the franchised job and moves on else where on to his own round.  whats your opinion on this? Why do franchisees leave after they have made a big commitment on joining a franchised business?

If my staff left tomorrow i could replace him with ease, if a franchise left you you would be a van down all them customers that are still paying him money on standing orders what happens to them ?

When u have staff in place like myself they are happy with the wage that gets them by, it pays there bills it puts food on there table and pays there kids, they get a few holidays per year aswell, im fu*k*ng sick this year though one has had 2 holidays already meaning i have to work extra harder and cover him ? 

Franchising is not for me lol i looked into it a lot @Damo and i tried to push myself towards the Ian Lancaster system,  i really like the idea of the franchisees having there own vans etc i had a good chat with Ian on the phone for about 1 hour  and his system is very succesful i know this just by doing my research and speaking to him , it is a proven system , i wanted to do it so much i tried to push myself in to franchising but my head would not let me my head was telling me the plan i made for my business years ago and i had to stick to it as its working out not bad for me so far ? but the way am running my business now is perfect and makes more sense then franchising  , but with a franchise u have no headache and no stress so 1 day i will end up regretting not franchising when i am so stressed out ! haha

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No franchisee is going to walk away from a valuable asset. They will either want to quit and start on their own or sell up. Either way they won’t just walk away. 

It sounds like you’ve been talking to franchisees of Uk Window Clean. 

My minimum buy in is now £10,000 If they want to come on board. 

I’ve met around 10-15 candidates but only took on 4. You need to pick the right person for a franchise. 

Honestly i know 2 franchisees who left for other jobs , one of them was with him for over a year and the other one was there for over 2 years, the reason they are leaving is because they had no buy in cost the owner of the franchise has just put them in the van and give them the franchise at no upfront cost and is just taking 20% , this franchisee has around 8 vans on the road and has been going for a long time. Also at the same time i know a lad who has been there for around 5 years.

And no i havent been speaking to UKWindowclean , theres one fella down here franchising of UKWindowclean and hes been with them for years. They seem like a big franchise covering all of the UK

I might move up your way and franchise of u :D :p


Those "franchises" don't really sound like franchises to me.... 

There are plenty of people who will see the benefit of  a good brand,  technical support,  training,  holiday cover,   and a full order book from the start.   And if you can pitch the business well, you can charge 20% more than the competition from day one,  meaning your franchisee gets all the benefits of being part of a bigger concern "for free", and with far less risk and hassle. 

Its not for everyone,  and nor should if be.  Franchises wouldn't exist without people "going it alone"

Those "franchises" don't really sound like franchises to me.... 

There are plenty of people who will see the benefit of  a good brand,  technical support,  training,  holiday cover,   and a full order book from the start.   And if you can pitch the business well, you can charge 20% more than the competition from day one,  meaning your franchisee gets all the benefits of being part of a bigger concern "for free", and with far less risk and hassle. 

Its not for everyone,  and nor should if be.  Franchises wouldn't exist without people "going it alone"

Well they clearly were franchising they paid the boss 20% of  there income they had there own van and also collected there own money in each night.

i know a pretty large smart repair franchise, the man who had franchised this smart repair business was doing so well with his franchise purchase , i hadnt seen him for 2 years but when i spoke to him 2 years later.......... He told me he quit and now has his own franchise doing the same thing and hes doing very well for himself , he told me he was sick of putting money in someones elses pocket each month.

a few years ago i was looking at tubz vending franchise ? haha 

A franchisee is better off than an employee assuming the company is run correctly. 

I may decide to give employing a go when I get these next two vans on the road but like Haz I’m looking into other areas of revenue in the future. 

Ive got my first house so I think I’d like to look at getting at second now. 

A franchisee is better off than an employee assuming the company is run correctly. 

I may decide to give employing a go when I get these next two vans on the road but like Haz I’m looking into other areas of revenue in the future. 

Ive got my first house so I think I’d like to look at getting at second now. 

Thought you were saving up to buy me out so I can retire!  ?

No franchisee is going to walk away from a valuable asset. They will either want to quit and start on their own or sell up. Either way they won’t just walk away. 

It sounds like you’ve been talking to franchisees of Uk Window Clean. 

My minimum buy in is now £10,000 If they want to come on board. 

I’ve met around 10-15 candidates but only took on 4. You need to pick the right person for a franchise. 

Yo. What do they get for 10k?

We employ 7 on the cleaning at the moment, looking at franchising the window cleaning side of things as I don’t have the time to give it the attention it requires.


Who is liable insurance wise?


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