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Ionic filters


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Nairobi Kenya
Hi Guys; quick question...it's time for me to change the filters on my ionic system. I read somewhere that axeon make the same filter for a cheaper price. Would you guys recommend me buying from them? Anyone got an experience from using axeon filters on there ionic system. Greatly appreciate all your advice.
Hi only ever used ionic filters on the system I personally think saving a few bob isn’t worth it when you have paid a lot for the system and you should be able to cover the cost in your pricing also might invalidate any warranty
Hi Guys; quick question...it's time for me to change the filters on my ionic system. I read somewhere that axeon make the same filter for a cheaper price. Would you guys recommend me buying from them? Anyone got an experience from using axeon filters on there ionic system. Greatly appreciate all your advice.
Have you got the champ ro filters or the ionics own make of ro ?..
Hi @Pjj got the original ionic own make. I have changed them before with ionic own. I was just thinking is it worth it saving a few quid getting a different brand...or as @cleanzero says it's not worth it after spending so much money buying the brand.
Hi @Pjj got the original ionic own make. I have changed them before with ionic own. I was just thinking is it worth it saving a few quid getting a different brand...or as @cleanzero says it's not worth it after spending so much money buying the brand.
Yes definitely Ionic’s own ones are hideous expensive and a load of rubbish as @parttimer said give @doug atkinson a call at daqua he will sort you out
Unfortunately Ionics have the rights in the UK for the 30 inch membrane. There are a few companies in the US that sell them.
While we are on Ionic filters I have a zero system the carbon,million and billion filters always have a struggle to get them out of their housings looking for a easier way then shaking till you are blue in the face any suggestions appreciated
Forgot to mention used to be no problem system about 10 years old Ionic assure me they haven’t changed any filter dimensions they go in ok just a bugger getting out