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Karcher has taken this cowboy customer...


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I text all my customers the night before, always have done, even include an estimated time of arrival. From various feedback over the years this is one thing that has stood out when they've commented on the service "I like how you send texts the night before".

It's just about pushing the level of service to a high standard.

The reason I did it is because I know if I had a window cleaner I wouldn't want them turning up at any point and any time without notice. I'm funny with things like that, I like to be in the know with what's happening and hate random calls.

It's a two way benefit though, it benefits the customer because they know when I'm coming. It benefits me because they unlock the gates, close the windows etc.

It's great that other window cleaners don't text their customers, just means my service will stand out more compared to theirs.
I only text customers when I need to ensure they leave a side gate open for access. "We have scheduled your windows to be cleaned tomorrow. Please leave your side gate/rear gate unlocked so we can gain access to the back. Thanks. Best regards, Spruce."

I hate having to text anybody btw.
In my area, everyone locks their gate. It's so annoying lol.
Thank you for all your comments by the way. Who knew this thread would become a debate on the morality of texting beforehand lol!
I have quite a few customers (at least 40) I don't text beforehand, because I know they don't mind the unexpected surprise of my visit and I always know they will be at home on the said day. However, as more people seem to be working at the office or away, and there's that issue where most people in the area I live tend to lock their gates, I always have to text them the night before, just to remind them to unlock the gate really. I rarely ask the dreaded question "if okay, can I come?"
This was a very rare instance where I said that, I was simply testing the water. As it turns out she was well and truly a waste of time I am more than happy to move on from!!

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