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Ladder feet


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I've been skiving most of the week also but somehow I still managed to do full week and have to work this sat & sun too /emoticons/sad.png

i have done the last couple of weekends but had enough now....me body worn out....i not a youngster like you:rofl:i may do some of my own jungle /garden...

My mrs has been nagging me for weeks to cut the grass at the back. I'm hoping she is going to get so fedup waiting will do it herself this weekend./emoticons/biggrin.png

Well I cut the grass last night even though my back and shoulder was killing me but the booze did help a wee bit to numb the pain. At least I've not been nagged at so far today as just getting ready to go out to do another job /emoticons/biggrin.png

To get back on topic all my ladders seem to have plastic not rubber feet. /emoticons/biggrin.png

yeh think mine are plastic too....not slipped yet...touch wood...though i been listening to the words of wisdom of mr smurf and dont do dodgy things anymore.../emoticons/biggrin.png

Well you have surived 25 odd years on the glass so you must be doing something right :thumbsup:

Or was that just down to more luck than judgement /emoticons/biggrin.png

sometimes wonder...why push that bit too much...to save a few seconds...i just plod a long these days...if it looks dodgy ...good excuse to miss it...(until i get my wfp ,of course)/emoticons/smile.png

Hi Tench. Does your foot the ladder stay put on the rungs with the spring or does it slide about , when you move the ladder? Mine sits loose on the rungs n slips to the side so dont feel that it fits correctly on my ladder:-(

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