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Yeah..got confused

Was thinking of the emperor

" strike me down and your journey to tje dark side will be complete"

I've had a couple of sherberts you know

Can someone do a pic or video of what you mean about crimping the ends.

Very confused here.

Still don't think there be as good as my modded squeegee.

For all that's been said I was hoping to wash the window & just squeegee off with minimum detailing. Certainly didn't think I'd have to mod it.

Show me what to do please.

Can someone do a pic or video of what you mean about crimping the ends.Very confused here.

Still don't think there be as good as my modded squeegee.

For all that's been said I was hoping to wash the window & just squeegee off with minimum detailing. Certainly didn't think I'd have to mod it.

Show me what to do please.
Just added it for you posh

i noticed how the amount of detailing is next to nothing, i noticed this straight away altho itll take me a week to really get the hang of it maybe a month . but that time saver will mean praps 20 minutes maybe even a half hour saved per day.

I think, there is going to be a real issue here soon.

Heating and crimping plastic to grip something is fine, however when you want to release the old rubber you will probably have to pry the clip a little, then heat it again to crimp the new rubber. Repeated bending, crimping of any plastic item will result in stress fractures and finally snapping.

I forsee (without Moreman sorting the issue right away) that you are going to end up needing new clips every couple of rubber changes or so!

I could be wrong, but that would be a first! /emoticons/tongue.png

Green i have no problem changing the rubber

The squashing with pliers only closes the gap up a touch...it doesn't matter how hard i squeeze i can't get the clip to actually physically stop the rubber sliding

On the other hand Unger and others have been producing sgueegees for ages that have to modified to work as well,so there is no one magic solution for us window cleaners
I disagree, I think done right, you can get away with very little to no detailing using traditional squeegees.

I do wish Moerman all the best with the new line but already it seems they aren't listening to the 'man on the ground' so to speak.

It would be nice to see something that truly changes the game, but I don't think this is going to be it.

I disagree, I think done right, you can get away with very little to no detailing using traditional squeegees.
I do wish Moerman all the best with the new line but already it seems they aren't listening to the 'man on the ground' so to speak.

It would be nice to see something that truly changes the game, but I don't think this is going to be it.
you mean their original products unmodified?

Yes RS I do, however you need to remember that it is all about how you clean the window, not how the squeegee is supposed to clean the window.

I am of the school that considers the frames to be part of the window so perhaps that makes my technique a bit different.

First I mop up the panes corner to corner with my applicator, then I wipe the frames including about a quarter inch of glass with the rag all in one move, then I squeegee off and wipe the sill, that is pretty much it, job done.

May sound like a lot but it's all about years of practice and training and I think you would be hard pressed to find complaint with my work or any way to save time even using one of these liquidators.

But here's the issue Eric, as far as I can gather.
This is a long awaited product that has had massive amounts of guerrilla marketing through forums and social media. Supposed to be revolutionizing the traditional window cleaners day.

It would appear it has not, it would appear it is flawed, it would appear that you still need to 'modify' the clips to make it work 'right'

Even though the mod is simply crimping the ends a little why should you have to? Why can the product not come off the shelf ready to use?

According to an earlier post today by Davey, Moerman have not headed Bobs advice on the end result, so why did they bother to talk and develop the product in the first place.

There will be those that say 'at £7 what's the issue?' but in my opinion the cost is irrelevant, if you're buying a tool to do a job, it should do the job without having to buy more tools to modify it.

I haven't even unwrapped mine yet, but I think if they are flawed then Moerman need to sort it this weekend and have a recall exchange to show some good will and keep the windies happy.

All just an opinion though.
LOL...We give Moerman 2 days to sort out a minor issue but Willie Erken gets 15 years and still doesn't listen or get it right? :)

Should it have been released like this? No, but it has been and throwing the baby out with the bath water isn't going to help one little bit. This is Polz baby and he has put a huge amount of time and effort into getting this right. The fact that Moerman at the last moment chose to go with the most recent mold and either ignored or simply couldn't see the point of Polz final tweak has caused a slightly less than optimum release, however, I am sure they will respond, but this weekend? They haven't come this far to fail at the last hurdle. In the meantime, once I receive mine I'll do the 'tweak'. No biggie. Won't cause me to lose sleep and my teeth will not be overly clenched.

Just seen this what willie said

quite simply it was copied from Chris Dawber, it was never going to get a patent because this idea is at least ten years old. Take a look at all of Chris Dawber's videos, why he gets no credit is anyones guess

Eric, my only point, was after all the 'hype' and long awaited release, it feels a bit disappointing that w still need to mess about with it.

Also never heard of your Willie Erken, guess I wasn't paying attention in class (again) /emoticons/tongue.png

James, No patent? Ok lads, first one to china.......

Green it is patent pending with moerman as states on the channel and if it is 10 years old how come no one has brought it out sooner . My point is all these mods are great if you can mod it your self to a 0 detail which I couldn't mine needed tweeking and tweeking then I had gone to far .

But polzn had the intuition to go that extra mile and try and source a manufacturer to talk to over it all and hey presto we have the liquidator. And not someone say this is a copied idea from 10 years ago I don't see any other squeegee on the market other than unger channel which is 250 squid as you have to buy a carbon handle

Hey James, please do not for a minute think I am knocking Polz efforts end creativity here, I am not, I think he is an example to us all, 'Quit moaning and do something about it'

I am suggesting that perhaps, especially after all the effort they've gone to, the manufacture would have listened to him 100% and got it right first time out of the box, even if they had to hold back another month or so. I feel that would have done them more favor than releasing it not quite right.

As for the China comment (just my usual sense of humor).....hold on just checking Expedia right now. /emoticons/tongue.png

I do applaud their efforts but think another month and a bit more attention to the detail would have been nice.

As for buying a £250 squeegee handle I dont see that happening until the year 2150 by then inflation should be enough that we are charging £200 to do a bungalow. /emoticons/smile.png)
