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Hey James, please do not for a minute think I am knocking Polz efforts end creativity here, I am not, I think he is an example to us all, 'Quit moaning and do something about it'
I am suggesting that perhaps, especially after all the effort they've gone to, the manufacture would have listened to him 100% and got it right first time out of the box, even if they had to hold back another month or so. I feel that would have done them more favor than releasing it not quite right.

As for the China comment (just my usual sense of humor).....hold on just checking Expedia right now. /emoticons/tongue.png

I do applaud their efforts but think another month and a bit more attention to the detail would have been nice.

As for buying a £250 squeegee handle I dont see that happening until the year 2150 by then inflation should be enough that we are charging £200 to do a bungalow. /emoticons/smile.png)
Hi Darren I didn't for one minute think that , I just think some have sour grapes for what polz has done .

Do you 'crimp' the end of the channels you use with your 0 degree swivel loc Davey?
(Just a curiosity question)
yes i do an have done for ages

Yes RS I do, however you need to remember that it is all about how you clean the window, not how the squeegee is supposed to clean the window.
I am of the school that considers the frames to be part of the window so perhaps that makes my technique a bit different.

First I mop up the panes corner to corner with my applicator, then I wipe the frames including about a quarter inch of glass with the rag all in one move, then I squeegee off and wipe the sill, that is pretty much it, job done.

May sound like a lot but it's all about years of practice and training and I think you would be hard pressed to find complaint with my work or any way to save time even using one of these liquidators.
I too always do the frames like you

I do not deliberately wipe the glass but it inevitably happens anyway while doing the edge of the frame

I just prefer to use a quality tool to do my job

If i can 0 detail without a good channel then a quality one just makes my life easier

Just seen this what willie said
quite simply it was copied from Chris Dawber, it was never going to get a patent because this idea is at least ten years old. Take a look at all of Chris Dawber's videos, why he gets no credit is anyones guess
Polz is continually giving Wagga credit and has done from his very first video. Check out Chris's own posting on the topic (new posting on Wagga group). Very gracious.

Some people are just happy to slate others

Willie wagtail has had a ***** product for years and dislikes Bob due to his vids modifying the wagtail

If he took some of other peoples ideas on board then people like boarcity wouldn't need to buy liquidators to put in them or modify them

Jealousy is a horrible thing

I don't see any other squeegee on the market other than unger channel which is 250 squid as you have to buy a carbon handle
You're talking about unger ultimate squeegee, that's dog eared? Can you buy the channels on their own? You shouldn't need to buy the ultimate handle, since you can just drill the notches

You're talking about unger ultimate squeegee, that's dog eared? Can you buy the channels on their own? You shouldn't need to buy the ultimate handle, since you can just drill the notches
£250 is a joke. That's a 'collectors' price. Racenstein still have it listed at $149 US. The price it was released at. No that channel is a one off for that handle. The dog ear is a bit 'half arsed' as well.

At present I feel that there is no need for cripping . If the tool is used with a slightly different technique an early indication shows it performs well. It has been working for me fine. This is the 10 inch on domestic Windows. This may differ in other situations. larger aresa to clean etc. larger channel etc. I don't know as l have not used it in any other way as yet.... But as far as l'm concerned a week of use has provided positive results. This I'd certainly a tool that requires a level of experience to use. I feel polzn blades trys to get this message across in the nicest possible way in his videos. His modifications are directed at begineers as well as experienced window cleaners. You kind of know that this product would come under criticism. It's human nature. If it works for you then great!!!

£250 is a joke. That's a 'collectors' price. Racenstein still have it listed at $149 US. The price it was released at. No that channel is a one off for that handle. The dog ear is a bit 'half arsed' as well.
Yeah, I agree. For me, the real 'ultimate' is pretty much just a normal ergotec handle with either a modified contico hi-rise channel or a liquidator

It fits fine imo

Horses for courses mate

How did you get on with it with hard rubber?

It fits fine imoHorses for courses mate

How did you get on with it with hard rubber?
Very well with a pulex hard rubber. going to have to change technique though. I almost wished I'd have got a 12". It's like they exaggerated the dog ears at the expense of being able to turn the blade as well. straight pulls down the sides really means no detailing at all though, very impressive.

Yeah, it works ok out of the box with the ergotec, but it's kind of jammed in. You might not be able to see it too well from that second pic I posted, but the claw is now sinking further into the rubber than it would be if I hadn't drilled. Also, on the other side, the top of the curve now comes into contact with the curve on the top of the handle. Before it was like tilted further forward (like 35 degrees instead of 30, I'm exaggerting of course)

I am happy with it with hard and soft and moerman and unger

Do the mod to fix the end clip issue and it turns a hell of a lot sharper

I use them just like my old modded ergotecs now

Do the mod to fix the end clip issue and it turns a hell of a lot sharper
Yes, first thing I did. Thanks for posting the vid the other day.

Also, I wanted to crimp the aluminium channel at the end, but I'm frightened that the plastic clips will slide off and I'd then have to glue them on

I think that would ruin it

If the clips are tight there is no need anyway

My own modded ergotecs are just pinched at the end also for the same reason

The problem is not the rubber sliding but the (channel), the teeth in the squeegee handle are what holds the rubber in place! but there is nothing to stop the channel from sliding!, i have seen the video off the end clips being bent to hold the rubber, but if you think about it the clips are on the channel bend the clips onto the rubber it stops the channel from moving not the rubber as that already is held in place by the teeth in the squeegee handle,bending the end clip onto the rubber is holding the channel in place not the rubber! if you have a handle which holds rubber & channel it will work perfect!

The problem is not the rubber sliding but the (channel), the teeth in the squeegee handle are what holds the rubber in place! but there is nothing to stop the channel from sliding!, i have seen the video off the end clips being bent to hold the rubber, but if you think about it the clips are on the channel bend the clips onto the rubber it stops the channel from moving not the rubber as that already is held in place by the teeth in the squeegee handle,bending the end clip onto the rubber is holding the channel in place not the rubber! if you have a handle which holds rubber & channel it will work perfect!
Yeah, I noticed it sliding a bit as well. Now that it's drilled, it doesn't move at all though

think itll be a mistake if Moer modify the clips now. Anybody who hasnt read this thread will find putting the rubber in to be a tad more awkward than what theyd expect and be dumbstruck and think its faulty
iv just tried tugging a rubber out of a brand new moer channel clip -it wont come out , its worrying needlessly in my opinion the original is faultless

bob polzn -if u are reading this ,call up moer and tell them not to start boiling water
When I put new rubbers into a channel I always give a squirt of soapy water to ease the nylon ties in, and I remember doing the same for the rubbers when I had the pinch in the middle of the channel, which I don't do now.
