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My New Website


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Ok - take everything below as its meant,.. criticism maybe, but intended to be constructive,..

There are 2 main areas to think about in web design - the first is designing for Google and getting in the search results,.. the 2nd is designing for the viewers & making them pick up the phone - - your site could be improved on both fronts.


11: Spelling & Grammar - Don't underestimate how important this is! A pro proof reader can cost as little as £15 (4 gigs on www.fiverr.com is what I normally pay) and helps you give the best possible first impression. If your website text comes across scruffy & careless, viewers might assume that your cleaning services will be the same.
just looked at fiverr.com - and I thought to ask if you actually used their services just for grammar or they worked/improved your web content too ? Their prices are affordable but can they write a good content to be relevant for us in the UK ? as I assume the window cleaning business in the US might have a different "SHAPE" on web ? !

if you have time - could you please have a quick look on my page - and let me know if you see any critical grammar mistakes ? just from a quick glance.

I reckon I have to work seriously on the content - as English is my 2nd language (3rd in fact)

gu14-cleaning dot co dot uk


For Glen


There is a thing called keyword stuffing and it will get you penalised with search engines ie: using the search term window cleaner in or window cleaning in too many times and you are doing this.

Even out the lines of text using a smaller font for starters and don't always use one sentence as a paragraph, children do that.

Try aligning the text (straight edges either side)

First sentence/paragraph and first part of second say virtually same thing so shorten that and say it once only better.

"local window cleaners to Hazel Grove" doesn't look or sound right.

"using the ladders and squeegee's" as above and is terrible grammar.

Image is over the "A".

spaces after comma's.

"We also provide a gutter clearing service which if not attending can cause damage" to explain whats wrong there, you're saying there if the gutter clearing service isn't attended it will cause damage besides beind wrong anyway you need to say more. Content is king and that means more than 3 words.

ie: not ie

Quote page

Don't ask them to estimate how many windows they have, surely they know so just ask how many.

Contact page

Use Capitals on the address ie: Cheshire not cheshire.

Window cleaning

Happily not hapilly

Spaces after commas again.

Gutter clearing

Accessible not accesible.

Again capitols and spaces after commas, 2 after full stop.

Areas covered

Spaces after comma's again.

You're or you are not your.


Remove the first A or S from this - a one off window cleans.

the the - remove one

You're not your again.

Spaces after comma's again.

and and - remove one.

Isn't not is'nt


Give images optimised titles, rename them.

DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT get someone from fiver.com to write the content for your website. I can tell you from recent experience (not myself) that they will most likely copy the content word for word from your closest competitors site. I have recently seen this done.

For sdrah

Not as bad as Glens (sorry Glen), just needs tidying up (whats with space at beginning of paragraphs lol). Content isn't bad but needs a little more optimised for the area and service too and optimise your images as I explained to Glen.

Joomla has 1000's of better free templates by the way.

Dodger u are a star pal, I've not had a proper chance to go through it since I designed it all, my heads been mashed after doing it lol

I really appreciate you giving me page by page mistakes and there's plenty there to sort!

I'm going to sort the mistakes tomorrow and then rewrite a few lines here and there, I sort of rushed what's currently there just to get the site up and going but looking now it's not very professional with all those mistakes.

Regarding the pics, I've already given them different names relating to possible searches and I've put some as links to other pages too as I believe it helps to have pages linking into each other?

I'm waiting for the moon fruit site who I made my website with to bring out a blog page as they've not got one for they're v6 sites yet and hopefully that will be up soon to help.

For your blog does moonfruit give you an option to show all articles in a particular category as a menu item? if so just create a blog category and create an article, then another etc there ya go thats a blog.

You need to think about what terms and phrases people use to search for your services. Most looking on google are looking for someone to clean their windows or they have leaves in their gutters.

When we create new or update old webpages we get a note pad out and write down all the benefits we can provide.

Give you an idea

Are you windows looking dirty? Would you like them cleaned by a local window cleaner. We live in the Hazel Grove area of Stockport. Friendly traditional window cleaner, we will leave your home or business gleaming. If you prefer your windows and property to be left dry after we've finished then give us a call. Cheshire window cleaning use good old finished ladders and values. To keep your windows clean we offer a monthly service at a reasonably price.

It not perfect, But gives you an idea.

Areas you cover and services will look better in its on Box (div) with bullet points

You could continue with Gutter clean and so on. Get someone to take a good picture of you cleaning windows.

Keeping a blog is good advice too.

Not sure about the white font on blue background. Maybe soften it with a off white. We tend to use light grey on a dark background and dark grey of light background.

If your unsure of your grammar think about first writing in a word processor (MS office) or Using WordPress. WordPress has a proof reader plug-in that is useful.

hi guys,popped up on google today and its on first page for what im aiming for, ive been through all the spelling mistakes and hopefully sorted it!

im going to wait a few weeks for moonfruit to put the blog page up on theyre site for v6 site listings but im very happy thats its only take a few days to get listed and now i can improve the wording when when i get a mo to try and climb to the top but im behind listings like yell,gumtree etc

cheers pal, really appreciatte you taking the time to view and constructively criticise my site!

gonna implement a few more things in the coming days but for now im happy its up and live and if it gets me one job a year its paid for itself as i pay £8 a month for it.

every bit of advertising has to help right!!!

I am sure you will get a lot of enquires. As new site will take a while to rank but it will get there by the spring.

Hi pal, what do you mean to rank?

I thought once its showing up on google it's been seen and ranked by them so to speak!

Do you mean will take a while to climb the ranks?

It a bit like a game of leap frog, you will find you will slip down the search results and then others days be second or third. After a while Google will think your site is a bit stale, this is where a good blog comes in as it is a good way to introduce new content that Google loves. Also look at refreshing the content of the main home page every four to six months.

Hi pal, what do you mean to rank?

I thought once its showing up on google it's been seen and ranked by them so to speak!

Do you mean will take a while to climb the ranks?
I don't really believe that your site is on the first page in google (if the site was built recently) - as it takes about 2-3 weeks to be indexed after you have submitted using webmaster tool and then , another 4-8 weeks to show up in search results - starting first on 2nd page and then on 1st - unless there is no competitors . That's only from my experience however if your page is already ranking well then congratulation

Sometimes google will show a webpage to you (using your IP ?! ) - if you have accessed that site a lot - but that will happen only from you PC . Try to do a search from a different place and check if the search results are the same

It happened to me in the past - I have designed a page for a friend who was running a guest house - and from my computer I could see that site First (!) on the first page - I was so happy lol

Wrong I'm afraid I seldom fail to get page 1 within 48 hrs maybe thats just me though lol. Google crawls them within 24 for me normally. And that is from mine and site owners PCs sometimes 100s of miles apart.

Hi guys I thought it was abit soon too as a site I built a long time ago took a month or so to show buy I've just googled from my wife's laptop and her iPhone and definitely on the 1st page but only just at the bottom then if I google for my area rather than just the whole town I'm a little higher up but at least they're showing and on the first page so hopefully upwards from here with every improvement I do!

You can set the crawl rate or the number of times Google bots visit your site. If you look at the bottom of the main page you Will see who is on the site

nearlyclean, Google, Laugher, willetttiger, Dodger, Bing, ASCLEAN, Tattooed window cleaner, Masons, james44

This was at 9:37, you will see other search engines come up.

There is a couple of files linked to your webpages called Robots.txt Probably a good idea not to mess around with these files too much. In this file you can set the frequency of how often Google crawls or other search engines. Sites that are changed no more than twice a year we set to 6 months. Why, because if you don't update the content and Google is visiting everyday it will start to put you on a lower page, there are other factors involved.

Links from social media back to a new website usually get the new site crawled MUCH faster than just submitting a sitemap to your google webmaster account,.. Sometimes within just a few hours.

Yes I kept putting page links on my Facebook page and my personal page too so maybe that helped!

Is it worth setting a twitter page up as well, I don't use twitter but if it helps the cause!


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