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New ladders??


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So after buying my unger kit I'm now practicing on lower windows, but need a decent set of ladders; and don't have a lot of insight into the best ones.

Its been pointed out that A frame ones may be best and if someone can link me to a decent set up that would be appreciated, I did see these ladders and wondered what you guys thought of them? obviously keen to get the safest set up.

2 Section Extension Ladders

So after buying my unger kit I'm now practicing on lower windows, but need a decent set of ladders; and don't have a lot of insight into the best ones.
Its been pointed out that A frame ones may be best and if someone can link me to a decent set up that would be appreciated, I did see these ladders and wondered what you guys thought of them? obviously keen to get the safest set up.

2 Section Extension Ladders
^^ i wouldnt buy those,because it mentions they will be" upgraded to rubber feet" . this is a dangerous upgrade , in fact its a downgrade because i learnt the hard way that rubber has no grip on damp or dusty ground.

you need a ladder with hard plastic feet

Thanks mate see its got the d shaped rungs, is it stable at the base?
in my erly yrs i tried a few diffrent ladders and these are the very best i know of. rock steady but not over heavy to use allday long

Get a set of the lytes first, and move on to some pointers once you've been going a while IMHO. Not only are they expensive but you will learn better ladder skills if you start with a normal ladder. Pointers let you get away with a lot of things you couldn't do with a normal one.

Thanks guys have ordered the ones mentioned can't wait to get out there canvassing in a few weeks! Awaiting my council badge first.

good choice as the ladders with the extended feet at the bottom are not practical for every day window cleaning i.m.o.

but good for gutter cleaning
