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Well-known member
Anyone else picking up new customers. Especially in this **** weather we're having. Got 9 new ones so far & for January that's great. If it carried on like that would be 100+ each year (some hope) but pleased so far.

Also had 1 gutter & facia clean & got 4 more to price over the next week. Love January /emoticons/biggrin.png:p;)

Nice one;)

Anyone else picking up new customers. Especially in this **** weather we're having. Got 9 new ones so far & for January that's great. If it carried on like that would be 100+ each year (some hope) but pleased so far.
Also had 1 gutter & facia clean & got 4 more to price over the next week. Love January /emoticons/biggrin.png:p;)
Anyone else picking up new customers. Especially in this **** weather we're having. Got 9 new ones so far & for January that's great. If it carried on like that would be 100+ each year (some hope) but pleased so far.
Also had 1 gutter & facia clean & got 4 more to price over the next week. Love January /emoticons/biggrin.png:p;)
been watching this house getting built for ages

they have just got it finished looks really nice, could,int bare myself gave them my best slaver and got it today

got to wait six weeks to clean it tho so well pleased.


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