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Parrafin heater


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I think the temperature is going to drop very soon below freezing and I've found a brand new paraffin heater in my garage.

I was thinking about sticking it on a low burn when it gets really cold over night in the back of the van just to keep the temp above, I cant see how it would catch anything a light or is this a stupid idea?

Will probaly create a lot of fumes and water vapour in a closed up van but the water drpping down from the roof could put out any risk of fire I suppose./emoticons/biggrin.png

Sorry I should have said I've never tried one so don't know if it's a bad idea or not /emoticons/wink.png

I have in the past used electric heaters stat controlled to trigger to come on if it goes below freezing in the back of the van if it's really bad or rather just tend to either bring venerable bits into the house or cover them up with an old bed quilt or two and hope for the best.

That's not a bad idea ,last year was really mild and wet so I didn't have to bother and before that all my work was done on the ladder.

One year it was so bad I did not work for six weeks and took me fooking ages to thaw a block of 250 ltrs of pure water ice from the van tank. Oops! I will have to remeber for next time to drain the tank too./emoticons/biggrin.png

6 weeks jesus hope we are not in for a winter like that..was that in the last few years?

heat rises, youd be better to put that stove under your van where itd do some good.

in the States and Canada where it gets really cold thats what they do
