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Pole organisation in van


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Well-known member
Hi all, need some inspiration, struggling on what to do with keeping my poles tidy in the van.

The drainage pipes hanging from the roof isn't viable for me.

Would be good if you could post some pictures on how you have done your setup.


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Not got the poles in there at mo but they sit on the blue bar across the top. Have cut a hole in the plastic sectioning between the cab and rear and the ends of the poles slide into the storage space above the dashboard. 


thats my set up i dont think it can be inproved to be fair poles easy to wip out the only tit it geting to the units at the back for spairs i wish this van had to side load doors like the dispatch expert ect

@Dave B what do u use the vikan brush for ? im thinking about trtying the vikan swivle flocked for upvc cleaning as its a tougth out brute and the shape looks good for upvc cleaning i used to have one years ago but gave it to a friend wish i keped it now lol 

@Dave B what do u use the vikan brush for ? im thinking about trtying the vikan swivle flocked for upvc cleaning as its a tougth out brute and the shape looks good for upvc cleaning i used to have one years ago but gave it to a friend wish i keped it now lol 
The vikan is used on my old harris pole for softwashing render etc

Perfect brush for scrubbing render with as it is bulletproof and never wears

If you look very top left you will see i have a small harris pole and a spray lance wedged in between the wooden beams for softwash too

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